# Surface.pm
# A package for manipulating SDL_Surface *
# Copyright (C) 2003 David J. Goehrig
package SDL::Surface;
use strict;
use SDL;
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my %options = @_;
my $self;
verify (%options, qw/ -name -n -flags -fl -width -w -height -h -depth -d
-pitch -p -Rmask -r -Gmask -g -Bmask -b -Amask -a
-from -f /) if $SDL::DEBUG;
if ( defined($options{-name}) && $options{-name} ne "" && exists $SDL::{IMGLoad} ) {
$self = \SDL::IMGLoad($options{-name});
} else {
my $f = $options{-flags} || $options{-fl} || SDL::SDL_ANYFORMAT();
my $w = $options{-width} || $options{-w} || 1;
my $h = $options{-height} || $options{-h} || 1;
my $d = $options{-depth} || $options{-d} || 8;
my $p = $options{-pitch} || $options{-p} || $w*$d;
my $r = $options{-Rmask} || $options{-r}
|| ( SDL::BigEndian() ? 0xff000000 : 0x000000ff );
my $g = $options{-Gmask} || $options{-g}
|| ( SDL::BigEndian() ? 0x00ff0000 : 0x0000ff00 );
my $b = $options{-Bmask} || $options{-b}
|| ( SDL::BigEndian() ? 0x0000ff00 : 0x00ff0000 );
my $a = $options{-Amask} || $options{-a}
|| ( SDL::BigEndian() ? 0x000000ff : 0xff000000 );
if ( $options{-from}|| $options{-f} ) {
my $src = $options{-from}|| $options{-f};
$self = \SDL::CreateRGBSurfaceFrom($src,$w,$h,$d,$p,$r,$g,$b,$a);
} else {
$self = \SDL::CreateRGBSurface($f,$w,$h,$d,$r,$g,$b,$a);
die "SDL::Surface::new failed. ", SDL::GetError()
unless ( $$self);
bless $self,$class;
return $self;
sub flags {
sub palette {
sub bpp {
sub bytes_per_pixel {
sub Rshift {
sub Gshift {
sub Bshift {
sub Ashift {
sub Rmask {
sub Gmask {
sub Bmask {
sub Amask {
sub color_key {
sub alpha {
sub width {
sub height {
sub pitch {
sub pixels {
sub pixel {
die "SDL::Surface::pixel requires a SDL::Color"
if $_[3] && $SDL::DEBUG && !$_[3]->isa("SDL::Color");
$_[3] ?
new SDL::Color -color => SDL::SurfacePixel(${$_[0]},$_[1],$_[2],${$_[3]}) :
new SDL::Color -color => SDL::SurfacePixel(${$_[0]},$_[1],$_[2]);
sub fill {
die "SDL::Surface::fill requires a SDL::Rect object"
unless !$SDL::DEBUG || $_[1] == 0 || $_[1]->isa('SDL::Rect');
die "SDL::Surface::fill requires a SDL::Color object"
unless !$SDL::DEBUG || $_[2]->isa('SDL::Color');
if ($_[1] == 0 ) {
} else {
sub lockp {
sub lock {
sub unlock {
sub update {
my $self = shift;;
if ($SDL::DEBUG) {
for (@_) {
die "SDL::Surface::update requires SDL::Rect objects"
unless $_->isa('SDL::Rect');
SDL::UpdateRects($$self, map { ${$_} } @_ );
sub flip {
sub blit {
if ($SDL::DEBUG) {
die "SDL::Surface::blit requires SDL::Rect objects"
unless ($_[1] == 0 || $_[1]->isa('SDL::Rect'))
&& ($_[3] == 0 || $_[3]->isa('SDL::Rect'));
die "SDL::Surface::blit requires SDL::Surface objects"
unless $_[2]->isa('SDL::Surface');
SDL::BlitSurface(map { $_ != 0 ? ${$_} : $_ } @_);
sub set_colors {
my $self = shift;
my $start = shift;
for (@_) {
die "SDL::Surface::set_colors requires SDL::Color objects"
unless !$SDL::DEBUG || $_->isa('SDL::Color');
return SDL::SetColors($$self, $start, map { ${$_} } @_);
sub set_color_key {
die "SDL::Surface::set_color_key requires a SDL::Color object"
unless !$SDL::DEBUG || (ref($_[2]) && $_[2]->isa('SDL::Color'));
sub set_alpha {
sub display_format {
my $self = shift;
my $tmp = SDL::DisplayFormat($$self);
SDL::FreeSurface ($$self);
$$self = $tmp;
sub rgb {
my $self = shift;
my $tmp = SDL::ConvertRGB($$self);
$$self = $tmp;
sub rgba {
my $self = shift;
my $tmp = SDL::ConvertRGBA($$self);
$$self = $tmp;
sub rect {
my $self = shift;
new SDL::Rect -width => $self->width(), -height => $self->height(),
-x => $_[0] || 0, -y => $_[1] || 0;
sub print {
my ($self,$x,$y,@text) = @_;
SDL::SFont::PutString( $$self, $x, $y, join('',@text));
sub save_bmp {
SDL::SaveBMP( ${$_[0]},$_[1]);
sub video_info {
=head1 NAME
SDL::Surface - a SDL perl extension
use SDL::Surface;
$image = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"yomama.jpg");
The C<SDL::Surface> module encapsulates the SDL_Surface* structure, and
many of its ancillatory functions. Not only is it a workhorse of the
OO Layer, it is the base class for the C<SDL::App> class.
=head1 EXPORTS
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new (-name => 'foo.png')
The C<SDL::Surface> class can be instantiated in a number of different ways.
If support for the SDL_image library was included when SDL_perl was compiled,
the easiest way to create a new surface is to use the C<SDL::Surface::new>
method with the C<-name> option. This will load the image from the file
and return an object encapsulating the SDL_Surface*.
=head2 new (-from => $buffer, ... )
If the contents of the new Surface is already in memory, C<SDL::Surface::new>
may be called with the C<-from> option to create an image from that section
of memory. This method takes the following additional parameters:
=over 4
=item *
-width the width of the image in pixels
=item *
-height the height of the image in pixels
=item *
-depth the number of bits per pixel
=item *
-pitch the number of bytes per line
=item *
-Rmask an optional bitmask for red
=item *
-Gmask an optional bitmask for green
=item *
-Bmask an optional bitmask for green
=item *
-Amask an optional bitmask for alpha
=head2 new ( -flags => SDL_SWSURFACE, ... )
Finally, C<SDL::Suface::new> may be invoked with the C<-flags> option, in a
similar fashion to the C<-from> directive. This invocation takes the same
additional options as C<-from> with the exception of C<-pitch> which is ignored.
This method returns a new, blank, SDL::Surface option with any of the following
flags turned on:
=over 4
=item *
SWSURFACE() a non-accelerated surface
=item *
HWSURFACE() a hardware accelerated surface
=item *
SRCCOLORKEY() a surface with a transperant color
=item *
SRCALPHA() an alpha blended, translucent surface
=head2 flags ()
C<SDL::Surface::flags> returns the flags with which the surface was initialized.
=head2 palette ()
C<SDL::Surface::palette> currently returns a SDL_Palette*, this may change in
future revisions.
=head2 bpp ()
C<SDL::Surface::bpp> returns the bits per pixel of the surface
=head2 bytes_per_pixel ()
C<SDL::Surface::bytes_per_pixel> returns the bytes per pixel of the surface
=head2 Rshift ()
C<SDL::Surface::Rshift> returns the bit index of the red field for the surface's pixel format
=head2 Gshift ()
C<SDL::Surface::Gshift> returns the bit index of the green field for the surface's pixel format
=head2 Bshift ()
C<SDL::Surface::Bshift> returns the bit index of the blue field for the surface's pixel format
=head2 Ashift ()
C<SDL::Surface::Ashift> returns the bit index of the alpha field for the surface's pixel format
=head2 Rmask ()
C<SDL::Surface::Rmask> returns the bit mask for the red field for teh surface's pixel format
=head2 Gmask ()
C<SDL::Surface::Gmask> returns the bit mask for the green field for teh surface's pixel format
=head2 Bmask ()
C<SDL::Surface::Bmask> returns the bit mask for the blue field for teh surface's pixel format
=head2 Amask ()
C<SDL::Surface::Amask> returns the bit mask for the alpha field for teh surface's pixel format
=head2 color_key ()
C<SDL::Surface::color_key> returns the current color key for the image, which can be set with
the C<SDL::Surface::set_color_key> method. Before calling C<SDL::Surface::color_key> on
a image, you should fist call C<SDL::Surface::display_format> to convert it to the same
format as the display. Failure to do so will result in failure to apply the correct color_key.
=head2 alpha ()
C<SDL::Surface::alpha> returns the current alpha value for the image, which can be set with
the C<SDL::Surface::set_alpha> method.
=head2 width ()
C<SDL::Surface::width> returns the width in pixels of the surface
=head2 height ()
C<SDL::Surface::height> returns the height in pixels of the surface
=head2 pitch ()
C<SDL::Surface::pitch> returns the width of a surface's scanline in bytes
=head2 pixels ()
C<SDL::Surface::pixels> returns a Uint8* to the image's pixel data. This is not
inherently useful within perl, though may be used to pass image data to user provided
C functions.
=head2 pixel (x,y,[color])
C<SDL::Surface::pixel> will set the color value of the pixel at (x,y) to the given
color if provided. C<SDL::Surface::pixel> returns a SDL::Color object for the
color value of the pixel at (x,y) after any possible modifications.
=head2 fill (rect,color)
C<SDL::Surface::fill> will fill the given SDL::Rect rectangle with the specified SDL::Color
This function optionally takes a SDL_Rect* and a SDL_Color*
=head2 lockp ()
C<SDL::Surface::lockp> returns true if the surface must be locked
=head2 lock ()
C<SDL::Surface::lock> places a hardware lock if necessary, preventing access to
the surface's memory
=head2 unlock ()
C<SDL::Surface::unlock> removes any hardware locks, enabling blits
=head2 update ( rects...)
C<SDL::Surface::update> takes one or more SDL::Rect's which determine which sections
of the image are to be updated. This option is only useful on the appliaction surface.
=head2 flip ()
C<SDL::Surface::flip> updates the full surface, using a double buffer if available
=head2 blit (srect,dest,drect)
C<SDL::Surface::blit> blits the current surface onto the destination surface,
according to the provided rectangles. If a rectangle is 0, then the full surface is used.
=head2 set_colors (start,colors...)
C<SDL::Surface::set_colors> updates the palette starting at index C<start> with the
supplied colors. The colors may either be SDL::Color objects or SDL_Color* from the
low level C-style API.
=head2 set_color_key (flag,pixel) or (flag,x,y)
C<SDL::Surface::set_color_key> sets the blit flag, usually SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,
to the specified L<SDL::Color> object. Optional a SDL_Color* may be passed.
=head2 set_alpha (flag,alpha)
C<SDL::Surface::set_alpha> sets the opacity of the image for alpha blits.
C<alpha> takes a value from 0x00 to 0xff.
=head2 display_format ()
C<SDL::Surface::display_format> converts the surface to the same format as the
current screen.
=head2 rgb ()
C<SDL::Surface::rgb> converts the surface to a 24 bit rgb format regardless of the
initial format.
=head2 rgba ()
C<SDL::Surface::rgba> converts the surface to a 32 bit rgba format regarless of the
initial format.
=head2 print (x,y,text...)
C<SDL::Surface::print> renders the text using the current font onto the image.
This option is only supported for with SDL_image and SFont.
=head2 save_bmp (filename)
C<SDL::Surface::save_bmp> saves the surface to filename in Windows BMP format.
=head2 video_info ()
C<SDL::Surface::video_info> returns a hash describing the current state of the
video hardware.
=head1 AUTHOR
David J. Goehrig
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<perl> L<SDL::App> L<SDL::Color> L<SDL::Palette> L<SDL::Rect>