SDL::Console - a SDL perl extension
use SDL::Console;
my $console_rect= new SDL::Rect(
-width =>$app->width,
my $console = new SDL::Console(
-surface => $app,
-rect => $console_rect,
-font => "ConsoleFont.bmp",
-lines => 100,
SDL::Console::addCommand("my_command", \&cmd_func);
$console->topmost(); # gain focus
while ($doStuffFlag)
# do normal event processing
SDL::Console::event($event); # pass SDL::Event obj
$console->draw; # blit console
sub cmd_func
my $console = shift; # SDL::Console object
my $rawparams= shift; # original command line, not include command
my @params =@_; # command line as indiviual args
# (split ' ', $rawparams)
$console->print("you called me with: $rawparams"); # print to the console
The SDL::Console
module encapsulates the SDL_Console library, and many of its ancillatory functions.
new (-surface => $app, ... )
Specifies the surface on which the console will be blitted. This method takes the following additional parameters:
-font the font file to use, default: "ConsoleFont.bmp"
-lines number of lines in the console, default: 32
-rect a SDL::Rect which specifies the console bounding box, default: x=0, y=0, w=surface width, height=25% of surface height
topmost () give this console the keyboard focus.
draw () blit this console to the associated surface
print ( @strings ) write a string(s) the console
alpha ( $alpha )
set the console alpha component (0-255)
background ( $file, $x,$y)
load a background image
position ( $x, $y)
set the console origin
resize ( SDL::Rect )
resize the console
Event ( SDL::Event )
class method to be called when events are processed.
AddCommand ( $command, sub {} )
class method to add a command to the Consoles repository
list_commands ()
display the registered commands to the console & stdout
Wayne Keenan
perl(1) SDL::Surface(3) SDL::Rect(3) SDL::App(3) SDL::Event(3).