SDL::Surface - a SDL perl extension
use SDL::Surface;
$image = new SDL::Surface(-name=>"yomama.jpg");
The SDL::Surface
module encapsulates the SDL_Surface* structure, and many of its ancillatory functions. Not only is it a workhorse of the OO Layer, it is the base class for the SDL::App
new (-name => 'foo.png')
The SDL::Surface
class can be instantiated in a number of different ways. If support for the SDL_image library was included when SDL_perl was compiled, the easiest way to create a new surface is to use the SDL::Surface::new
method with the -name
option. This will load the image from the file and return an object encapsulating the SDL_Surface*.
new (-from => $buffer, ... )
If the contents of the new Surface is already in memory, SDL::Surface::new
may be called with the -from
option to create an image from that section of memory. This method takes the following additional parameters:
-width the width of the image in pixels
-height the height of the image in pixels
-depth the number of bits per pixel
-pitch the number of bytes per line
-Rmask an optional bitmask for red
-Gmask an optional bitmask for green
-Bmask an optional bitmask for green
-Amask an optional bitmask for alpha
new ( -flags => SDL_SWSURFACE, ... )
Finally, SDL::Suface::new
may be invoked with the -flags
option, in a similar fashion to the -from
directive. This invocation takes the same additional options as -from
with the exception of -pitch
which is ignored. This method returns a new, blank, SDL::Surface option with any of the following flags turned on:
SWSURFACE() a non-accelerated surface
HWSURFACE() a hardware accelerated surface
SRCCOLORKEY() a surface with a transperant color
SRCALPHA() an alpha blended, translucent surface
flags ()
returns the flags with which the surface was initialized.
palette ()
currently returns a SDL_Palette*, this may change in future revisions.
bpp ()
returns the bits per pixel of the surface
bytes_per_pixel ()
returns the bytes per pixel of the surface
Rshift ()
returns the bit index of the red field for the surface's pixel format
Gshift ()
returns the bit index of the green field for the surface's pixel format
Bshift ()
returns the bit index of the blue field for the surface's pixel format
Ashift ()
returns the bit index of the alpha field for the surface's pixel format
Rmask ()
returns the bit mask for the red field for teh surface's pixel format
Gmask ()
returns the bit mask for the green field for teh surface's pixel format
Bmask ()
returns the bit mask for the blue field for teh surface's pixel format
Amask ()
returns the bit mask for the alpha field for teh surface's pixel format
color_key ()
returns the current color key for the image, which can be set with the SDL::Surface::set_color_key
alpha ()
returns the current alpha value for the image, which can be set with the SDL::Surface::set_alpha
width ()
returns the width in pixels of the surface
height ()
returns the height in pixels of the surface
pitch ()
returns the width of a surface's scanline in bytes
pixels ()
returns a Uint8* to the image's pixel data. This is not inherently useful within perl, though may be used to pass image data to user provided C functions.
pixel (x,y,[color])
will set the color value of the pixel at (x,y) to the given color if provided. SDL::Surface::pixel
returns a SDL::Color object for the color value of the pixel at (x,y) after any possible modifications.
fill (rect,color)
will fill the given SDL::Rect rectangle with the specified SDL::Color This function optionally takes a SDL_Rect* and a SDL_Color*
lockp ()
returns true if the surface must be locked
lock ()
places a hardware lock if necessary, preventing access to the surface's memory
unlock ()
removes any hardware locks, enabling blits
update ( rects...)
takes one or more SDL::Rect's which determine which sections of the image are to be updated. This option is only useful on the appliaction surface.
flip ()
updates the full surface, using a double buffer if available
blit (srect,dest,drect)
blits the current surface onto the destination surface, according to the provided rectangles. If a rectangle is 0, then the full surface is used.
set_colors (start,colors...)
updates the palette starting at index start
with the supplied colors. The colors may either be SDL::Color objects or SDL_Color* from the low level C-style API.
set_color_key (flag,pixel) or (flag,x,y)
sets the blit flag, usually SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, for either the supplied pixel, or for the value of the pixel at (x,y) in the image. A SDL::Color object may be passed for the pixel value.
set_alpha (flag,alpha)
sets the opacity of the image for alpha blits. alpha
takes a value from 0x00 to 0xff.
display_format ()
converts the surface to the same format as the current screen.
rgb () SDL::Surface::rgb
converts the surface to a 24 bit rgb format regardless of the initial format.
rgba () SDL::Surface::rgba
converts the surface to a 32 bit rgba format regarless of the initial format.
print (x,y,text...)
renders the text using the current font onto the image. This option is only supported for with SDL_image and SFont.
save_bmp (filename)
saves the surface to filename in Windows BMP format.
video_info ()
returns a hash describing the current state of the video hardware.
David J. Goehrig
perl(1) SDL::Rect(3) SDL::Font(3) SDL::App(3).