TEI::Lite::Element is wrapper for the document object model implemented using a subroutine named after the TEI element it creates with a prefix of tei_ attached. Each subroutine returns a DOM element that can be included in a DOM tree.
Each function returns an object based on an instance of a XML::LibXML::Element. All methods associated with XML::LibXML::Element objects will work with the objects returned by the functions listed below.
Until I have time to document each individual element, please see the TEILite specification and the example programs included in the distribution.
- tei_abbr
- tei_addrLine
- tei_dateline
- tei_principal
- tei_revisionDesc
- tei_pubPlace
- tei_num
- tei_del
- tei_biblScope
- tei_interpGrp
- tei_availability
- tei_stage
- tei_editor
- tei_mentioned
- tei_catDesc
- tei_titlePage
- tei_classDecl
- tei_name
- tei_salute
- tei_respStmt
- tei_cell
- tei_biblFull
- tei_keywords
- tei_cit
- tei_rs
- tei_publicationStmt
- tei_series
- tei_unclear
- tei_body
- tei_projectDesc
- tei_distributer
- tei_encodingDesc
- tei_l
- tei_creation
- tei_p
- tei_editionStmt
- tei_emph
- tei_q
- tei_kw
- tei_xref
- tei_s
- tei_closer
- tei_sic
- tei_classCode
- tei_sp
- tei_docDate
- tei_docImprint
- tei_lb
- tei_catRef
- tei_lg
- tei_foreign
- tei_interp
- tei_argument
- tei_date
- tei_docEdition
- tei_ref
- tei_reg
- tei_teiHeader
- tei_eg
- tei_front
- tei_address
- tei_noteStmt
- tei_note
- tei_head
- tei_sourceDesc
- tei_figure
- tei_milestone
- tei_div0
- tei_list
- tei_div1
- tei_category
- tei_div2
- tei_div3
- tei_fileDesc
- tei_div4
- tei_div5
- tei_xptr
- tei_div6
- tei_div7
- tei_div8
- tei_opener
- tei_resp
- tei_taxonomy
- tei_trailer
- tei_div
- tei_bibl
- tei_titleStmt
- tei_group
- tei_item
- tei_refsDecl
- tei_titlePart
- tei_back
- tei_idno
- tei_rendition
- tei_langUsage
- tei_ident
- tei_gap
- tei_ptr
- tei_add
- tei_editorialDecl
- tei_textClass
- tei_speaker
- tei_docAuthor
- tei_gi
- tei_divGen
- tei_epigraph
- tei_formula
- tei_index
- tei_signed
- tei_gloss
- tei_sponsor
- tei_label
- tei_profileDesc
- tei_text
- tei_seg
- tei_row
- tei_seriesStmt
- tei_samplingDecl
- tei_time
- tei_tagUsage
- tei_corr
- tei_table
- tei_hi
- tei_funder
- tei_listBibl
- tei_pb
- tei_byline
- tei_imprint
- tei_code
- tei_title
- tei_anchor
- tei_soCalled
- tei_orig
- tei_edition
- tei_docTitle
- tei_extent
- tei_term
- tei_publisher
D. Hageman <>
XML::LibXML, XML::LibXML::Element, XML::LibXML::Node
Copyright (c) 2002 D. Hageman (Dracken Technologies). All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.