Gideon::Manual::Creating - Creating objects


version 0.0.2


You can easily persist new object in any gideon data store by using the save method

save([ %opts ])

To store a new object you just simply need to call the save method on any newly created instance. And returns the object if the saving was successful or undef if the saving operation failed.

my $new_person = People->new( age => 34, name => 'Mike' );
say 'Success' if $new_person->save;

Gideon has a plugin that would rise an exception in case the operation fails rather than returning undef. Please refer to Gideon::Plugin::StrictMode for more details.

my $new_person = People->new( age => 34, name => 'Mike' );

try {
  $new_person->save( -strict => 1 );
  say 'Success';
catch {
  say 'Failed';

In the case of objects persisted into RDB's and auto increment values, Gideon would auto populate the resulting id back into the object

my $new_person = People->new( age => 34, name => 'Mike' );
say $new_person->id; # undef

say $new_person->id; # '1'


Creating objects with Gideon


version 0.0.2


Mariano Wahlmann, Gines Razanov


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Mariano Wahlmann, Gines Razanov.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.