Inline::SLang - Write Perl subroutines in S-Lang.


print "9 + 16 = ", add(9,16), "\n";
print "9 - 16 = ", subtract(9,16), "\n";
print JAxH('Inline'), "\n";

use Inline SLang;


define add      (a,b) { return a + b; }
define subtract (a,b) { return a - b; }

define JAxH () {
  variable type = ();
  return "Just Another " + string(type) + " Hacker!";


*** This is currently a pre alpha release.
*** Use at your own risk

The Inline::SLang module allows you to put S-Lang source code directly "inline" in a Perl script or module. It sets up an in-process S-Lang interpreter, runs your code, and then examines the interpreter's symbol table, looking for things to bind to Perl.

The process of interrogating the S-Lang interpreter only occurs the first time you run your S-Lang code. The namespaces are cached, and subsequent calls use the cached version. Of course, your S-Lang code must still be run every time your run the Perl script -- but Inline::S-Lang already knows the results of running it.

What is S-Lang?

From the S-Lang library home page at

S-Lang is a multi-platform programmer's library designed to allow a developer to create robust multi-platform software. It provides facilities required by interactive applications such as display/screen management, keyboard input, keymaps, and so on. The most exciting feature of the library is the slang interpreter that may be easily embedded into a program to make it extensible.

For our purposes it is the S-Lang interpreter that we are interested in. See the Term::Slang module (on CPAN) if you want an interface to the terminal library provided by S-Lang.

Using the Inline::SLang Module

Using Inline::SLang will seem very similar to using any other Inline language, thanks to Inline's consistent look and feel.

This section will explain the different ways to use Inline::SLang. Further details on configuring the behaviour of Inline::SLang can be found in Inline::SLang::Config. For more details on Inline, see Inline or perldoc Inline.

*** The following looks like it should be okay, although
*** comments/thoughts/suggestions are more than welcome
*** The mapping of S-Lang namepace to Perl package for
*** the functions may cause issues: perhaps namespace
*** 'foo' should map to package SLang::foo to make things
*** "cleaner"? Although this implictly creates the SLang
*** namespace for packages which hasn't been passed through


Using functions defined in S-Lang is just like using Perl subs. You just supply the source code to Inline::SLang - see the Inline manual for the various ways of doing this - and then use them in your Perl code. For example:

# set up a S-Lang function
use Inline SLang => <<'END';
define doit() { vmessage("Printing from S-Lang"); }

# now call the S-Lang function from Perl

By default all S-Lang functions - other than S-Lang intrinsic functions (the functions defined by the S-Lang interpreter, such as array_map() and assoc_get_keys()) - in the default namespace ("Global") are bound to Perl. The Perl functions are available in the main package.

The BIND_NS configuration option can be used to change the list of S-Lang namespaces bound to Perl. If you have need of an intrinsic S-Lang function then you can either write a wrapper routine or use the BIND_SLFUNCS option. See Inline::SLang::Config for more details.

Note that there are no checks that a S-Lang symbol, when mapped to Perl, does not clobber an existing value (or is a Perl built-in function so can not be over-ridden). So beware when you define a S-Lang function called open()!


We currently do not bind any variables to Perl. To access variables you have to write S-Lang routines that read/write the variable, as shown by the foo() and bar() routines below:

variable foobar = "a string";
define foo()  { return foobar; }
define bar(x) { foobar = x; }

It should not be too hard to also bind variables to Perl functions; this would make it easy to read, but setting them would (?) require making use of the lvalue support in modern versions of Perl. Currently it's not a very high priority issue (and may never be).

Supported Data Types

*** Guess what, it's not seamless at the moment!

Inline::S-Lang attempts to seamlessly convert between Perl and S-Lang data types. For "simple" types - for example strings - where there is a direct match between S-Lang and Perl, the conversion is not noticeable. For more complicated types - such as complex numbers - S-Lang variables are converted to Perl objects. See Inline::SLang::Types for more information on how the various data types are supported.

The module currently assumes that yor S-Lang library has been compiled with support for both floating-point and complex numbers.

Note that, in version 0.05, the support is much better for converting from S-Lang to Perl than the other way around.


*** requirements not yet fixed in stone

The module is designed to work with version 1.4.x of the S-Lang library, although I make no promises for anything earlier than 1.4.4. In fact, I may up this to about 1.4.9, for ease of testing.

The support for the BIND_NS option is flaky prior to v1.4.3 (it appears to be due to S-Lang and not this module). Also, use of the "All" option is restricted to those systems using version v1.4.7 or higher. So I suggest upgrading!

S-Lang versions tested: 1.4.4 (solaris), 1.4.8 (linux & solaris)

Inline::S-Lang has so far been tested on Linux and Solaris 2.8 only. It should work on UNIX platforms; I would be surprised if it works without tweaking on other systems.

Perl versions tested: 5.8.0 (solaris and linux).

It is intended to support Perl versions >= 5.6.0 only (at least the release versions rather than the development releases). It is not clear yet whether we really need any >= 5.6.0 functionality, but this restriction does make testing/developing a lot easier for me.


This is pre-alpha release code. So, by design, there will be lots of bugs and deficiencies.


Inline::SLang::Config, Inline::SLang::Types, Term::Slang

For information about using Inline, see Inline.

For information about other Inline languages, see Inline-Support.

For information about S-Lang see


John Davis (for S-Lang), Brian Ingerson (for the Inline framework), and Neil Watkiss since I stole virtually everything from his Inline::Python and Inline::Ruby modules.

However, please do not assume that any errors in this module are in any way related to the above people.


v0.06 Thu Apr 3 22:36:54 EST 2003

Note that in the next release the class names for objects will be shortened from Inline::SLang::Foo_Type to Foo_Type.

Notable changes are:

  • Essentially all S-Lang scalars can now be converted to Perl. Those without a direct translation to a native Perl type are converted to "opaque" Perl objects, with classes called Inline::SLang::XXX where XXX equals the name of their S-Lang data type. Essentially all you can do with these objects is pass them back to S-Lang routines. However, it does mean you can now call routines that return module-defined types.

    Currently the S-Lang file types (so File_Type and FD_Type) are converted using this scheme, which means you can not use them with Perl I/O commands. I need to read up a lot more on Perl's I/O mechanism before I can change this (if it's possible).

  • "Named" structures - e.g. Foo_Type created by typedef struct {...} Foo_Type; - are now handled as Inline::SLang::XXX objects, where XXX matches the structure type (so Foo_Type in this example). These classes are sub-classes of Inline::SLang::Struct_Type.

  • Fixed handling of BIND_NS => "All".

  • Added an examples/ directory to the distribution, which contains simple examples (mainly from Inline::SLang::Types). Note that these files are not installed into the Perl tree by 'make install'.

v0.05 Fri Mar 14 11:57:31 EST 2003

Notable changes are:

  • Handling of 'foreign' S-Lang types - those for which we have introduced special classes such as DataType_Type variables - has been changed to use a scheme in which the Perl class name is formed from the concatanation of Inline::SLang:: and the S-Lang type (so Inline::SLang::struct has been renamed to Inline::SLang::Struct_Type).

    The classes are also more uniform in that they have a number of common functions and, where possible, the method names are similar to S-Lang functions with the same functionality.

  • Ref_Type variables are now supported (scalars only) via the Inline::SLang::Ref_Type class. Unfortunately this requires use of function/types that are not part of the public interface of the S-Lang library.

  • The BIND_NS option only works for v1.4.3 and higher of S-Lang. The option has been enhanced to allow namespace "renaming" and the use of "All" to specify all known namespaces (this only works for v1.4.7 and higher of S-Lang). The only valid string options are now "Global(=...)" and "All".

  • The BIND_SLFUNCS option has been added to allow you to use slected S-Lang intrinsic functions directly from Perl (i.e. without having to write a S-Lang wrapper function around it). To help avoid nameclashes you can chose your own name for the function in Perl.

  • Documentation on S-Lang specific configuration options has been moved to Inline::SLang::Config.

v0.04 Fri Mar 7 00:14:47 EST 2003

Notable changes are:

  • License changed to GNU GPL and copyright holder to SAO.

  • Now binds all functions (other than S-Lang intrinsic functions) in the Global namespace. Added the BIND_NS configuration option to allow functions in other namespaces to be bound as well. Use the Inline '-MInline=INFO' option to find out what functions have been bound.

  • S-Lang Struct_Type variables are converted to Inline::SLang::struct objects. There are memory leaks!

  • Fixed memory leaks when converting Assoc_Type arrays to Perl.

  • S-Lang Struct_Type variables are converted to Inline::SLang::struct objects.

v0.03 Tue Jan 28 12:01:49 EST 2003

Initial public release


Doug Burke <>


This software is Copyright (C) 2003 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. All rights are course reserved.

It is released under the GNU General Public License. You may find a copy of this licence in the file LICENSE within the source distribution or at

Prior to version 0.04 the module was distributed under the same terms as Perl.


There is no warranty. Please see the GNU General Public License for more details.