App::Env - manage application specific environments
# import environment from package1 then package2 into current
# environment
use App::Env ( $package1, $package2, \%opts );
# import an environment at your leisure
use App::Env;
App::Env::import( $package, \%opts );
# retrieve an environment but don't import it
$env = App::Env->new( $package, \%opts );
# execute a command in that environment; just as a convenience
$env->system( $command );
# exec a command in that environment; just as a convenience
$env->exec( $command );
# oh bother, just import the environment
# cache this environment as the default for $package
$env->cache( 1 );
# uncache this environment if it is the default for $package
$env->cache( 0 );
# generate a string compatible with the *NIX env command
$envstr = $env->str( \%opts );
# or, stringify it for (mostly) the same result
system( 'env -i $env command' );
# pretend it's a hash; read only, though
%ENV = %$env;
This module is useful when a Perl program must run external applications in environments specific to them. Often an application or application suite requires a specific environmental variable setup to operate correctly.
App::Env provides a uniform mechanism for accessing environments and is most useful in situations where multiple applications with differing environments are to be invoked, although it is still useful in simpler contexts.
App::Env may be used to simply merge (import
) the application's environment directly into the current environment. It can also provide the environment as an object to provide more fine grained operations.
To avoid redoing expensive setup operations environments are cached.
Application Environments
App::Env does not itself provide the environments for applications. It relies upon application specific modules to do so. See App::Env::Example for information on how to write such modules.
App::Env can accomodate situations where there may be different contexts for loading an application.
Take as an example the situation where an application's environment is stored in /usr/local/myapp/setup on one host and /opt/local/myapp/setup on another. One could include logic in a single App::Env::myapp
module which would recognize which file is appropriate. A cleaner method is to have separate site-specific modules.
To that end, App::Env supports the Site option in the Class import() function and the new() constructor, as well as the environmental variable APP_ENV_SITE. When App::Env is asked to load an environment for application $app it searches for a module with the following names in the given order:
where ${Site}
is the value of the Site option.
For further convenience, if the environmental variable APP_ENV_SITE does not exist, App::Env will attempt to load the module App::Env::Site. (If APP_ENV_SITE is empty (null), an App::Env::Site module is ignored).
This user provided module should attempt to deduce the site and set the APP_ENV_SITE environmental variable accordingly. A crude example:
package App::Env::Site;
my %LAN1 = map { ( $_ => 1 ) } qw( sneezy breezy queasy );
my %LAN2 = map { ( $_ => 1 ) } qw( dopey mopey ropey );
use Sys::Hostname;
if ( $LAN1{hostname()} )
elsif ( $LAN2{hostname()} )
By default the environmental variables returned by the application environment modules are cached. A cache entry is given a unique key which is by default generated from the module name. This key does not take into account the contents (if any) of the AppOpts hash (see below). If the application's environment changes based upon AppOpts, an attempt to load the same application with different values for AppOpts will lead to the retrieval of the first, cached environment, rather than the new environment. To avoid this, use the CacheID option to explicitly specify a unique key for environments if this will be a problem.
If multiple packages are loaded via a single call to import or new, the individual packages will be cached, as will the merged environment. The latter's cache key will by default be generated from all of the names of the environment modules invoked; this can be overridden using the CacheID option.
Using App::Env without objects
Application environments may be imported into the current environment either when loading App::Env or via the APP::Env::import() function.
- import
use App::Env ( $application, \%options ); use App::Env ( @applications, \%shared_options ); App::Env::import( $application, \%options ); App::Env::import( @applications, \%shared_options );
Import the specified applications.
Options may be applied to specific applications by grouping application names and option hashes in arrays:
use App::Env ( [ 'app1', \%app1_options ], [ 'app2', \%app2_options ], \%shared_options ); App::Env::import( [ 'app1', \%app1_options ], [ 'app2', \%app2_options ], \%shared_options );
Shared (or default) values for options may be specified in a hash passed as the last argument.
The available options are listed below. Not all options may be shared; these are noted.
- AppOpts hashref
This is a hash of options to pass to the
module. Their meanings are application specific. As noted in "Caching" the caching mechanism is not keyed off of this information -- use CacheID to ensure a unique cache key.This option may not be shared.
- Force boolean
Don't use the cached environment for this application.
- Site
Specify a site. See "Application Environments" for more information
- Cache boolean
Cache (or don't cache) the environment. By default it is cached. If multiple environments are loaded the combination is also cached.
- CacheID
A unique name for the environment. The default cache key doesn't take into account anything in AppOpts. See "Caching" for more information.
When used as a shared option for multiple packages, this will be used to identify the merged environment.
- uncache
App::Env::uncache( App => $app, [ Site => $site ] ) App::Env::uncache( CacheID => $cacheid )
Delete the cache entry for the given application. It is currently not possible to use this interface to explicitly uncache multi-application environments if they have not been given a unique cache id. It is possible using App::Env objects.
The available options are:
- App
The application name. This may not be specified if CacheID is specified.
- Site
If the Site option was used when first loading the environment, it must be specified here in order to delete the correct cache entry. Do not specify this option if CacheID is specified.
- CacheID
If the CacheID option was used to provide a cache key for the cache entry, this must be specified here. Do not specify this option if App or Site are specified.
- All
If true uncache all of the cached environments.
Using App::Env objects
App::Env objects give greater flexibility when dealing with multiple applications with incompatible environments.
The constructor
- new
$env = App::Env->new( ... )
new takes the same arguments as App::Env::import and returns an App::Env object. It does not modify the environment.
Overloaded operators
App::Env overloads the %{} and "" operators. When dereferenced as a hash an App::Env object returns a hash of the environmental variables:
%ENV = %$env;
When interpolated in a string, it is replaced with a string suitable for use with the *NIX env command; see the str() method below for its format.
- cache
$env->cache( $cache_state );
is true, cache this environment for the application associated with $env. If$cache_state
is false and this environment is being cached, delete the cache. - env
# return a hashref of the entire environment (similar to %{$env}) $env_hashref = $env->env( \%options ); # return the value of a given variable in the environment $value = $env->env('variable') # return an array of values of particular variables. @env_vals = $env->env( @variable_names );
Return either the entire environment as a hashref (similar to simply using the %{} operator) or return the value of one or more variables in the environment. When called in a scalar context it will return the value of the first variable passed to it.
The available options are:
- Exclude array or scalar
This specifies variables to exclude from the returned environment. It may be either a single value or an array of values.
A value may be a string (for an exact match of a variable name), a regular expression created with the qr operator, or a subroutine reference. The subroutine will be passed two arguments, the variable name and its value, and should return true if the variable should be excluded, false otherwise.
- module
$module = $env->module;
This returns the name of the module which was used to load the environment. If multiple modules were used, the names are concatenated, seperated by the
(subscript separator) character. - str
$envstr = $env->str( %options );
This function returns a string which may be used with the *NIX env command to set the environment. The string contains space separated
pairs, with shell magic characters escaped. The available options are:- Exclude array or scalar
This specifies variables to exclude from the returned environment. It may be either a single value or an array of values.
A value may be a string (for an exact match of a variable name), a regular expression created with the qr operator, or a subroutine reference. The subroutine will be passed two arguments, the variable name and its value, and should return true if the variable should be excluded, false otherwise.
It defaults to
(a variable which is usually large and unnecessary).
- system
$env->system( $command, @args );
This runs the passed command in the environment defined by $env. It has the same argument and returned value convention as the core Perl system command.
- exec
$env->exec( $command, @args );
This execs the passed command in the environment defined by $env. It has the same argument and returned value convention as the core Perl exec command.
- exec
$env->qexec( $command, @args );
This acts like the qx{} Perl operator. It executes the passed command in the environment defined by $env and returns its (standard) output.
- A single application
This is the simplest case. If you don't care if you "pollute" the current environment, then simply
use App::Env qw( PackageName );
- Two compatible applications
If two applications can share an environment, and you don't mind changing the current environment;
use App::Env qw( Package1 Package2 );
If you need to preserve the environment you need to be a little more circumspect.
$env = App::Env->new( qw( Package1 Package 2 ) ); $env->system( $command1, @args ); $env->system( $command2, @args );
or even
$env->system( "$command1 | $command2" );
{ local %ENV = %$env; system( $command1); }
if you prefer not to use the system method.
- Two incompatible applications
If two applications can't share the environment, you'll need to load them seperately:
$env1 = App::Env->new( 'Package1' ); $env2 = App::Env->new( 'Package2' ); $env1->system( $command1 ); $env2->system( $command2 );
Things are trickier if you need to construct a pipeline. That's where the *NIX env command and App::Env object stringification come into play:
system( "env -i $env1 $command1 | env -i $env2 $command2" );
This hopefully won't overfill the shell's command buffer. If you need to specify only parts of the environment, use the str method to explicitly create the arguments to the env command.
Diab Jerius, <>
Copyright 2007 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
This software is released under the GNU General Public License. You may find a copy at
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1069:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'