Revision history for Perl extension Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::Simple.

0.11 Wed May 11 15:34:55 EDT 2005

	- when processing bit fields as bits (not logicals), the
	  ENTIRE destination piddle was set to zero, for each chunk, not
	  just the destination for the current chunk.  this resulted not
	  only in bogus data, but also slowed things down TREMENDOUSLY.

0.1  Wed May 11 09:26:24 EDT 2005
	- much improved support for bit fields; now can either
	  map bit for bit or as logicals
	- status output
	- can specify columns to *not* read

0.03  Tue Oct 19 12:33:05 EDT 2004
        - retinfo=1 resulted in the original, unfiltered data, being

0.02  Mon Apr 12 18:13:54 EDT 2004
        - "supports" TULONG and TUINT.  not really. it just points
	  them at long(), which is wrong.  But, PDL has no uint or
	  ulong types.

0.01  Mon Mar 22 18:46:21 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AX -n Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::Simple