Astro::NED::Query::NearName - query NED for objects near a specified object
use Astro::NED::Query::NearName;
$req = Astro::NED::Query::NearName->new( Field => value, ... );
$req->Field( $value );
# for fields which take multiple values
$req->Field( $value1 => $state );
$req->Field( $value2 => $state );
$objs = $req->query;
This class queries NED using the "Objects Near Name" interface. It is a subclass of Astro::NED::Query, and thus shares all of its methods.
Class specific details are provided here. See Astro::NED::Query for general information on the class methods (including those not documented here) and how to set or get the search parameters.
- new
$req = Astro::NED::Query::NearName->new( keyword1 => $value1, keyword2 => $value2, ... );
Queries are constructed using the new method, which is passed a list of keyword and value pairs. The keywords may be the names of single valued query parameters, or may be class options. There are no options specific to Astro::NED::Query::NearName.
Fields which may have mutiple concurrent values (such as IncObjType) cannot be specified in the call to new; use the field accessor method, and specify the value and whether it should be selected or not:
$req->IncObjType( 'Galaxies' => 1 ) $req->IncObjType( 'XRay' => 1 )
Search parameters may also be set or queried using the accessor methods; see Astro::NED::Query.
- query
$res = $req->query;
The query method returns an instance of the Astro::NED::Response::Objects class, which contains the results of the query. At present it returns only the summary table, not the detailed information on each object. See Astro::NED::Response::Object for more info.
If an error ocurred an exception is thrown via croak.
Search Parameters
Please note that for fields which take specific enumerated values, the values are often not those which are displayed by a web browser. It's best to initially use the possible_values method to determine acceptable values. Usually it's pretty obvious what they correspond to.
The class accessor methods have the same names as the search parameters. See Astro::NED::Query on how to use them.
- ObjName
The object name.
- Radius
The search radius in arcminutes
- CoordSys
The output coordinate system. Use the possible_values method to determine which ones are available.
- Equinox
The output coordinate system equinox.
- Sort
The output sort order. Use the possible_values method to determine which ones are available.
- Format
Whether the output is formatted as an HTML table or plain text. This will always be forced to HTML.
- ListLimit
The upper limit to the number of objects with detailed information. This is always set to force no detailed information
- ZVBreaker
The maximum redshift velocity which will be displayed as km/s.
- ImageStamp
Whether or not to return an image preview. Always forced off.
- ZConstraint
Constraints on the redshifts of the objects. Used in conjunction with the ZValue1 and ZValue2 fields.
Use the possible_values method to determine which constraints are available.
- ZValue1, ZValue2
Values for the redshift constraints.
- ZUnit
. - ObjTypeInclude
Whether to objects must have
of the types in the IncObjType field. Takes the valuesANY
. - IncObjType
This specifies the types of objects to include. This is a multi-valued field, meaning that it can hold more than one type of object concurrently. As such, it cannot be initialized in the object constructor. The accessor method must be used instead:
$obj->IncObjType( Galaxies => 1 ); $obj->IncObjType( GPairs => 1 );
Use the possible_values method to determine which object types are available.
- ExcObjType
This specifies the types of objects to exclude. This is a multi-valued field, meaning that it can hold more than one type of object concurrently. As such, it cannot be initialized in the object constructor. The accessor method must be used instead:
$obj->ExcObjType( Galaxies => 1 ); $obj->ExcObjType( GPairs => 1 );
Use the possible_values method to determine which object types are available.
- NamePrefixOp
This specifies how to handle objects with name prefixes specified with the NamePrefix field. This is so complicated there's an extra documentation link on the NED site, so I suggest you look there:
Use the possible_values method to determine which object types are available.
- NamePrefix
This specifies the types of name prefix used with NamePrefixOp. This is a multi-valued field, meaning that it can hold more than one type of object concurrently. As such, it cannot be initialized in the object constructor. The accessor method must be used instead:
$obj->NamePrefix( ABELL => 1 ); $obj->NamePrefix( 'ABELL S' => 1 );
Use the possible_values method to determine which prefixes are available.
None by default.
Diab Jerius, <>
This software is Copyright (C) 2003 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. All rights are of course reserved.
It is released under the GNU General Public License. You may find a copy at
Astro::NED::Query, Astro::NED::Response::Objects, Astro::NED::Response::Object, perl.