Astro::STSDAS::Table::Binary - access a STSDAS binary format file


use Astro::STSDAS::Table::Binary;
my $tbl = Astro::STSDAS::Table::Binary->new;
$tbl->open( $file ) or die( "unable to open $file\n");

if ( $tbl->is_row_order ) { ... }
if ( $tbl->is_col_order ) { ... }

# read an entire table:
$rows = $tbl->read_rows_hash;
# or
$rows = $tbl->read_rows_array;
# or
$cols = $tbl->read_cols_hash;
# or
$cols = $tbl->read_cols_array;

# read the next column from a column ordered table:
$col = $tbl->read_col_col_array;
# or
$tbl->read_col_row_hash( \@rows );
# or
$tbl->read_col_row_array( \@rows );

# read the next row from a row ordered table:
$row = $tbl->read_row_row_array;
# or
$row = $tbl->read_row_row_hash;


Astro::STSDAS::Table::Binary provides access to STSDAS binary format tables.

STSDAS binary tables have some special properties:

  • They may be in row (each "record" is a row) or column (each "record" is a column) order. This is handled by having different data read routines for the different orders. They are not entirely symmetric.

    The easy way to deal with this is to simply read the entire table into memory (provided it's small) with one of the read_rows_... or read_cols_... routines.

  • Data elements may be vectors. Vectors are represented in the data as references to lists.

  • Data values may be undefined. Undefined values are converted to the Perl undefined value.


Astro::STSDAS::Table::Binary is derived from Astro::STSDAS::Table::Base, and thus inherits all of its methods. Inherited methods are not necessarily documented below.

$self = Astro::STSDAS::Table::Binary->new;

The new method is the class constructor, and must be called before any other methods are invoked.

$tbl->open( file or filehandle [, mode] );

open connects to a file (if it is passed a scalar) or to an existing file handle (if it is passed a reference to a glob). If mode is not specified, it is opened as read only, otherwise that specified. Modes are the standard Perl-ish ones (see the Perl open command). If the mode is read only or read/write, it reads and parses the table header. It returns the undefined value upon error.


explicitly close the table. This usually need not be called, as the file will be closed when the object is destroyed.

$rows = $tbl->read_rows_hash;

Digest the entire table. This is called after open. The table is stored as an array of hashes, one hash per row. The hash elements are keyed off of the (lower cased) column names.

Vector elements are stored as references to arrays containing the data.

For example, to access the value of column time in row 3,

$rows = $tbl->read_rows_array;

Digest the entire table. This is called after open. The table is stored as list of arrays, one array per row.

For example, to access the value of column 9 in row 3,

$cols = $tbl->read_cols_hash;

Digest the entire table. This is called after open. The table is stored as an hash, each element of which is a reference to an array containing data for a column. The hash keys are the (lower cased) column names. Vector elements are stored as references to arrays containing the data.

For example, to access the value of column time in row 3,

$cols = $tbl->read_cols_array;

Digest the entire table. This is called after open. The table is stored as an array, each element of which is a reference to an array containing data for a column. Vector elements are stored as references to arrays containing the data.

For example, to access the value of column 9 in row 3,


This method returns true if the table is stored in row order.


This method returns true if the table is stored in column order.

$col = $tbl->read_col_col_array;

This reads the next column from a column ordered table into an array. It returns a reference to the array containing the data. Vector elements are stored as references to arrays containing the data.

It returns undefined if it has reached the end of the data.

$row = $tbl->read_row_row_array;

This reads the next row from a row-ordered table into an array, in the same order as that of the columns in the table. Vector elements are stored as references to arrays containing the data.

It returns the undefined value if there are no more data.

$row = $tbl->read_row_row_hash

This reads the next row from a row-ordered table into a hash, keyed off of the column names. Vector elements are stored as references to arrays containing the data.

It returns the undefined value if there are no more data.

$tbl->read_col_row_hash( \@rows) ;

This reads the next column from a column ordered table. The data are stored in an array of hashes, one hash per row, keyed off of the column name. The passed array ref is to that array of hashes. Vector elements are stored as references to arrays containing the data.

It returns undefined if it has reached the end of the data.

This routine is seldom (if ever) called by an application.

$tbl->read_col_row_array( \@rows) ;

This reads the next column from a column ordered table. The data are stored in an array of arrays, one array per row. The passed array ref is to that array of arrays. Vector elements are stored as references to arrays containing the data.

It returns undefined if it has reached the end of the data.

This routine is seldom (if ever) called by an application.


  • This class can only read, not write, tables.

  • Reading of column-ordered tables is untested.

  • Reading of tables with vector elements is untested.


This software is released under the GNU General Public License. You may find a copy at


Diab Jerius ( )