CIAO::Lib::Param - an interface to the CIAO parameter library.
use CIAO::Lib::Param;
my $pf = CIAO::Lib::Param->new( $filename, $mode );
my $value = $pf->get( 'var1' );
$pf->set( 'var1', $newvalue);
CIAO::Lib::Param is a Perl interface to the parameter library (cxcparam) shipped with the Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (CIAO) software package. It implements an interace to IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) style parameter files.
This document does not fully discuss the format and usage of parameter files; see for more information.
CIAO::Lib::Param provides both object oriented and quick and dirty procedural interfaces. See the "OBJECT INTERFACE" and "PROCEDURAL INTERFACE" sections for the two interfaces.
The Perl interface presents unified error reports from the underlying cxcparam library. If an error is encountered, the module will throw an exception via croak(). For simple applications, simply not catching the exception with eval{}
will cause the application to terminate.
For more complicated handling, one can use the exception (which is a CIAO::Lib::Param::Error object) to determine more information about what happenend.
This interface is for quick and dirty parameter retrieval. The parameter file is opened for each call, so these should not be used for repeated access to parameters.
- pget
use CIAO::Lib::Param qw/ pget /; $pvalue = pget( $filename, $pname ); @pvalues = pget( $filename, @pnames ); %params = pget( $filename ); $pvalue = pget( $filename, $argv, $pname ); @pvalues = pget( $filename, $argv, @pnames ); %params = pget( $filename, $argv );
Read one or more parameter values. The user is never queried for a parameter value. Illegal values result in an exception being thrown.
In the first form (called in scalar context), retrieve the value of a single parameter.
In the second form (list context, parameter names), the values for the specified parameters are returned as a list.
In the third form, retrieve all of the parameters from the file as a hash, keyed off of the parameter name.
argument may optionally be followed by an arrayref, which should contain elements of the formparam=value
. Typically this is used to allow command line argument assignment:%params = pget( $0, \@ARGV );
- pquery
use CIAO::Lib::Param qw/ pquery /; [...]
This is identical to =pget= except that the user is queried when necessary.
- pset
use CIAO::Lib::Param qw/ pset /; pset( $filename, $pname1 => $pvalue1, $pname2 => $pvalue2, ... );
Set the named parameters to the given values.
- pfind
use CIAO::Lib::Param qw/ pfind /; $pfile = pfind( $name, $mode, $extn, $path )
Find a parameter file. The
arguments are lists of allowable extension and directories to attempt to search for parameter files. For example, the default search used in the class constructor isextn = ".par .rdb $PFEXTN" path = "$PDIRS $PFILES $UPARM"
Identifiers prefixed with
are recursivly expanded in the run time environment. For comaptiblity with IRAF $UPARM should be set to a single directory name with a trailing/
may be set to a space or,
separated list of directories.
- new
$pf = CIAO::Lib::Param->new( $filename ); $pf = CIAO::Lib::Param->new( $filename, $mode ); $pf = CIAO::Lib::Param->new( $filename, $mode, @arglist ); $pf = CIAO::Lib::Param->new( [ $filename, $argv0], $mode, @arglist );
Create a new object and associate it with the specified parameter file. See "Finding Parameter Files" for more information on how the path to the file is determined.
$mode indicates the IRAF mode with which the file should be opened (it defaults to
if not specified). It should be one of the "IRAF-compatible" paramater-interface access modes (egr
, etc).@arglist
is a list of parameter settings that will override those given in the parameter file. They are strings of the form ofpar=value
is typically$0
. However, the underlying library uses two arguments to determine the name of the parameter file. In the (extremely) rare situation where you wish to use that functionality, pass the two names as elements of an anonymous array. The underlying call has the following definition:paramopen( filename, argv, argc, filemode )
parameter will be passed asfilename
. The$argv0
parameter, which is typically just$0
, will be inserted into theargv
array as the first throws an exception via croak if there is an error.
The parameter file is closed (and optionally updated) upon object destruction.
Miscellaneous Parameter methods
- access
$pf->access( $pname );
This returns true if the named parameter exists.
- info
( $mode, $type, $value, $min, $max, $prompt ) = $pf->info( $pname );
Return various bits of information about the named parameter. It throws an exception via die if the parameter is not found.
Retrieving Parameter Values
The parameter library supports a large variety of data types. Perl really only has two: strings and double precision floating point values, and it automatically converts between the two as needed.
To retrieve a parameter value, in most cases one simply calls get.
To ease recoding older code into Perl, the other type specific routines (getX
) have been incorporated into the Perl interface, even though they should rarely be used. One effect of these routines is that the value is first converted into the specified type (e.g. short) before being passed to Perl. This may be of some benefit in some instances.
- get
$pf->get( $pname );
Retrieve the value of the named parameter. In all cases but Boolean parameters this performs no conversion, returning the value as a string (remember that Perl will automatically convert this to a number as required).
In the case of Boolean parameters (which are stored in the parameter file as the strings
), they are converted to Perl's true and false values. - getb
$pf->getb( $pname );
Retrieve the named parameter's value as a Boolean value.
- gets
$pf->gets( $pname );
Retrieve the named parameter's value as a short.
- geti
$pf->geti( $pname );
Retrieve the named parameter's value as an integer.
- getf
$pf->getf( $pname );
Retrieve the named parameter's value as a float.
- getd
$pf->getd( $pname );
Retrieve the named parameter's value as a double.
- getstr
$pf->getstr( $pname );
Retrieve the named parameter's value as a string. This is identical to get except for the case of Boolean parameters.
Setting Parameter Values
These routines update the parameter values in the Param object. The parameter file is updated when the Param object is destroyed (if the file was opened with the correct mode to permit writing).
In keeping with standard naming schemes for accessors, the function prefixes have been renamed from putX
to setX
, although the others are still available to ease porting code.
In general one should use set, which uses Perl's intrinsic stringification mechanisms to convert the Perl value to a string which is passed on to the parameter interface routines. In all but the most esoteric cases this should suffice.
- set [put]
$pf->set( $pname, $value );
Set the named parameter to the given value. In the case that the parameter is boolean, and the value is not a string, it will automatically convert Perl booleans to those required by cxcparam.
- setb [putb]
$pf->setb( $pname, $value );
Set the named parameter to the given value. Convert the value to a Boolean.
- setd [putd]
$pf->setd( $pname, $value );
Set the named parameter to the given value. Convert the value to a double.
- seti [puti]
$pf->seti( $pname, $value );
Set the named parameter to the given value. Convert the value to an integer.
- sets [puts]
$pf->sets( $pname, $value );
Set the named parameter to the given value. Convert the value to a short.
- setstr [putstr]
$pf->setd( $pname, $value );
Set the named parameter to the given value. Convert the value to a string.
Miscellaneous methods
- getpath
$path = $pf->getpath;
This returns the path to the parameter file associated with the object.
- match
$pmatch = $pf->match( $template );
Return a list of the parameters which match the given template. The list is returned as a CIAO::Lib::Param::Match object. The template may be either the single character
, which returns all parameters, or a string where the following characters have special meanings:
CIAO::Lib::Param::Match, CIAO::Lib::Param::Error.
Diab Jerius, <djerius@cpan>
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
This code is released under the GNU General Public License. You may find a copy at <>.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 519:
Expected text after =item, not a bullet