CXC::Exporter::Util - Tagged Based Exporting


version 0.01


In the exporting code:

package My::Exporter;
use CXC::Exporter::Util ':all';

use parent 'Exporter' # or Exporter::Tiny

# install sets of constants, with automatically generated
# enumerating functions
install_CONSTANTS( {
      DETECTORS => {
          ACIS => 'ACIS',
          HRC  => 'HRC',

      AGGREGATES => {
          ALL  => 'all',
          NONE => 'none',
          ANY  => 'any',
  } );

# install some functions
          { fruit => [ 'tomato', 'apple' ],
            nut   => [ 'almond', 'walnut' ],
          } );

In importing code:

# import all of the fruit functions, all of the DETECTORS constants,
# as well as a function enumerating the DETECTORS constants
use My::Exporter ':fruit', ':detector', 'DETECTORS';

# print the DETECTORS constants' values;
say $_ for DETECTORS;


CXC::Exporter::Util provides tag-centric utilities for modules which export symbols. It doesn't provide exporting services; its sole purpose is to manipulate the data structures used by exporting modules which follow the API provided by Perl's core Exporter module (e.g. Exporter::Tiny).

In particular, it treats %EXPORT_TAGS as the definitive source for information about exportable symbols and uses it to generate @EXPORT_OK and @EXPORT. Consolidation of symbol information in one place avoids errors of omission.

Exporting Symbols

At it simplest, the exporting module calls "install_EXPORTS" with a hash specifying tags and their symbols sets, e.g.,

package My::Exporter;
use CXC::Exporter::Util;

use parent 'Exporter'; # or your favorite compatible exporter

          { fruit => [ 'tomato', 'apple' ],
            nut   => [ 'almond', 'walnut' ],
          } );

sub tomato {...}
sub apple  {...}
sub almond {...}
sub walnut {...}

An importing module could use this via

use My::ExportingModule ':fruit'; # import tomato, apple
use My::ExportingModule ':nut';   # import almond, walnut
use My::ExportingModule ':all';   # import tomato, apple,
                                  #        almond, walnut,

For more complicated setups, %EXPORT_TAGS may be specified first:

package My::ExportingModule;
use CXC::Exporter::Util;

use parent 'Exporter';
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( tag => [ 'Symbol1', 'Symbol2' ] );

install_EXPORTS may be called multiple times

Exporting Constants

CXC::Exporter::Util provides additional support for creating, organizing and installing constants via "install_CONSTANTS". Constants are created via Perl's constant pragma.

"install_CONSTANTS" is passed one or more hashes containing sets of constants grouped by tags, e.g.:

install_CONSTANTS( {
      DETECTORS => {
          ACIS => 'ACIS',
          HRC  => 'HRC',

      AGGREGATES => {
          ALL  => 'all',
          NONE => 'none',
          ANY  => 'any',

 # A call to install_EXPORTS (with or without arguments) must follow
 # install_CONSTANTS;

For each set an enumerating function is created which returns the set's values.

In the above example, constant functions ACIS, HRC, ALL, NONE, ANY, tags detectors and aggregates, and constant functions DETECTORS and AGGREGATES are created.

The enumerating functions are useful for generating enumerated types via e.g. Type::Tiny:


or iterating:

say $_ for DETECTORS;

If the constants are used later in the module for other purposes, constant definition should be done in a BEGIN block:

        install_CONSTANTS( \%CONSTANTS );

install_CONSTANTS may be called multiple times.

For more complex situations, the lower level "install_constant_tag" and "install_constant_func" routines may be useful.



install_EXPORTS( [\%export_tags], [$package], [\%options]  );

Populate $package's @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK arrays based upon %export_tags.

If not specified, %export_tags defaults to %EXPORT_TAGS in $package.

If not specified, $package defaults to the caller's package.

Available Options:

overwrite => [Boolean]

If the overwrite option is true, the contents of %export_tags will overwrite %EXPORT_TAGS, otherwise they are merged. Overwriting will wipe out tags installed by "install_CONSTANTS".

This defaults to false.

package => [Package Name]

This provides another means of indicating which package to install into. Setting this overrides the optional $package argument.

all => [Boolean | 'auto' ]

This determines whether "install_EXPORTS" creates an all tag based on the contents of %EXPORT_TAGS. Some exporters, such as Exporter::Tiny and Sub::Exporter automatically handle the all tag, but Perl's default Exporter does not.

If set to auto (the default), it will install the all tag if $package is not a subclass of Exporter::Tiny.

(At present I don't know how to determine if Sub::Exporter is used).

This routine does the following in $package, which defaults to the caller's package.

  • Install the symbols specified via the default tag into $package's @EXPORT.

  • Install all of the symbols in %EXPORT_TAGS into @EXPORT_OK.


install_CONSTANTS( $spec0, [$spec1, ...,  \$specN ], ?$package  );

Create sets of constants and make them available for export in $package.

If not specified, $package defaults to the caller's package.

The passed $specN arguments are either hashrefs or arrayrefs and contain one or more constant set specifications.

A constant set specification consists of a unique identifier and a list of name-value pairs, specified either has a hash or an array. The identifier is used to create a export tag for the set as well as a enumerating function which returns the set's values.

If the set's name-value pairs are specified via a hash, the enumerating function will return values in a random order; if specified as an array the values will be returned n the specified order.

A call of <install_EXPORTS> must be made after calls to install_CONSTANTS or they won't be added to the exports.

For example:

package My::Exporter;

use parent 'Exporter::Tiny';

   { ANIMALS        => { HORSE => 'horse', GOAT   => 'goat' },
     VEHICLES       => { CAR   => 'car',   PICKUP => 'pickup' },
     WATERBODIES    => [ OCEAN => 'ocean', SEA    => 'sea',
                         LAKE  => 'lake',  POND   => 'pond' ],


will creates three sets of constants:

Tag         Enumerating_Function Constant_Functions
---         -------------------- ------------------
animals     ANIMALS              HORSE GOAT
vehicles    VEHICLES             CAR PICKUP

as well as a tag constant_funcs and its associated constant enumerating functions ANIMALS, VEHICLES, and WATERBODIES.

Because the water bodies set was specified as an array, the WATERBODIES function will always return the set's values in the specified order of

ocean sea lake pond

In use,

use My::Expoter -animals, 'ANIMALS';

will import the HORSE, GOAT, and ANIMALS constant functions.

By default a set's tag name is set to the lower-case of its identifier and its enumerating function name is set to the identifier. It is possible to specify them separately by passing the collection of sets as an array and specifying the tag-function pair in another array. For example,

   [  ['Critters', 'Animals' ]  => { HORSE => 'horse', GOAT   => 'goat' },

will create the tag Critters and the enumerating function Animals for the first set of constants.

install_EXPORTS uses "install_constant_tag" to install the individual tagged sets.


insall_constant_tag( $id, $constants, [$package] )
insall_constant_tag( [ $tag, $func_name ], $constants, [$package] )

$constants may be either a hashref or an arrayref ( containing name-value pairs ) specifying constant names and their values, e.g.

( NAME1 => VALUE1, NAME2 => VALUE2 )

This routine does the following in $package, which defaults to the caller's package.

  1. installs the constants in $package,

  2. installs a constant function (by default with the same name as the identifier, $id) which returns the values and adds it to the $EXPORT_TAGS{contant_funcs} tag. To specify an alternate name, use the second form (above) for invoking install_constant_tag.

  3. adds the constant names to %EXPORT_TAGS with a tag which is by default generated by lower-casing $id. To specify an alternate tag, use the second form (above) for invoking install_constant_tag.

For example, after

install_constant_tag( 'AGGREGATES',
   { ALL => 'all', NONE => 'none', ANY => 'any' } );
  1. The constants, ALL, NONE, ANY will be created.

  2. The function AGGREGATES will return all, none, any.

  3. A package importing from $package can import the constants ALL, NONE, ANY via the aggregate tag:

    use Package ':aggregate';
  4. A package importing from $package can import the AGGREGATES constant function via the constant_funcs tag:

    use Package ':constant_funcs';

    or directly

    use Package 'AGGREGATES';

install_constant_tag uses "install_constant_func" to create and install the constant functions which return the constant values.

install_constant_func( $name, \@values )

This routine does the following in $package, which defaults to the caller's package.

  1. Create a constant subroutine named $name which returns @values;

  2. Adds $name to the constant_funcs tag in %EXPORT_TAGS.

For example, after calling

install_constant_func( 'AGGREGATES', [ 'all', 'none', 'any' ]  );
  1. The function AGGREGATES will return all, none, any.

  2. A package importing from $package can import the AGGREGATE constant function via the constant_funcs tag:

    use Package ':constant_funcs';

    or directly

    use Package 'AGGREGATES';


Alternate constant generation modules.

To use an alternate constant generation function bypass install_CONSTANTS and load things manually.

For example, using enum:

package My::Exporter;

use CXC::Exporter::Util ':all';

our @DaysOfWeek;
BEGIN{ @DaysOfWeek = qw( Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ) }
use enum @DaysOfWeek;
use constant DaysOfWeek => map { &$_ } @DaysOfWeek;
install_EXPORTS( { days_of_week => \@DaysOfWeek,
                   constant_funcs => [ 'DaysOfWeek' ],

and then

use My::Exporter -days_of_week;

say Sun | Mon;



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Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module.


Diab Jerius <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007