Changes for version 1.00 - 2022-09-03
- ::Sink:stream no longer takes an 'fh' parameter. All output streams (including file handles) are specified via the 'output' parameter.
- streams which write to a passed fh no longer close the fh
- Sink::stream functionality moved into Role::Sink::Stream so can be reused
- streams now recognize more types of file handle objects
- Data::Dumper sink
- optimized to use a single DD object rather than creating one for each send operation
- DD configuration variables can be specified
- can use an existing DD object
Flexible serialization of a record
store a record in a database
encoded a record using Data::Dumper
encoded a record as JSON
infinite bitbucket
encoded a record as /rdb
encode a record as YAML
Error objects
Base Role for Data::Record::Serialize
Default methods for Data::Record::Serialize
Encode Role
Both an Encode and Sink. handle unwanted/unused required routines
Sink Role
output encoded data to a stream.
append encoded data to an array.
send output to nowhere.
output encoded data to a stream.
Types for Data::Record::Serialize
Useful things