Sponsoring The Perl Toolchain Summit 2025: Help make this important event another success Learn more

require 5.005_62;
use strict;
require Exporter;
our $VERSION = '0.04';
use Carp;
# regular expression for a floating point number
our $RE_Float = qr/^[+-]?(\d+[.]?\d*|[.]\d+)([dDeE][+-]?\d+)?$/;
sub new
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my $self = { Attr => { Cache => 0,
DumpFiles => 0,
Pretend => 0,
Verbose => 0,
AutoSave => 1,
Force => 0,
File => undef
bless $self, $class;
$self->{State} = Decision::Depends::State->new();
$self->configure( @_ );
sub Verbose
sub Pretend
sub configure
my $self = shift;
return unless @_;
my @opts = @_;
my %attr;
my ($key, $val);
while ( @opts )
my $opt = shift @opts;
if ( 'HASH' eq ref $opt )
my @notok = grep { ! exists $self->{Attr}{$_} } keys %$opt;
croak( __PACKAGE__, '->configure: unknown attribute(s): ',
join( ', ', @notok) ) if @notok;
$attr{$key} = $val while( ($key, $val) = each %$opt );
elsif ( 'ARRAY' eq ref $opt )
croak( __PACKAGE__, '->configure: odd number of elements in arrayref' )
if @$opt %2;
unshift @opts, @$opt;
croak( __PACKAGE__,
'->configure: odd number of elements in options list' )
unless @opts;
croak( __PACKAGE__, "->configure: unknown attribute: `$opt'" )
unless exists $self->{Attr}{$opt};
$attr{$opt} = shift @opts;
$self->{Attr}{$key} = $val while( ($key, $val) = each %attr );
$self->{State}->SetAttr( \%attr );
sub if_dep
my $self = shift;
my ( $args, $run ) = @_;
print STDERR "\nNew dependency\n" if $self->Verbose;
my @specs = $self->_build_spec_list( undef, undef, $args );
my ( $deplist, $targets ) = $self->_traverse_spec_list( @specs );
my $depends = $self->_depends( $deplist, $targets );
if ( keys %$depends )
# clean up beforehand in case of Pretend
undef $@;
print STDERR "Action required.\n" if $self->Verbose;
eval { &$run( $depends) } unless $self->Pretend;
if ( $@ )
croak $@ unless defined wantarray;
return 0;
$self->_update( $deplist, $targets );
print STDERR "No action required.\n" if $self->Verbose;
sub test_dep
my $self = shift;
my ( @args ) = @_;
print STDERR "\nNew dependency\n" if $self->Verbose;
my @specs = $self->_build_spec_list( undef, undef, \@args );
my ( $deplist, $targets ) = $self->_traverse_spec_list( @specs );
my $depends = $self->_depends( $deplist, $targets );
wantarray ? %$depends : keys %$depends;
# spec format is
# -attr1 => -attr2 => value1, ...
# where value may be of the form
# [ -attr3 => -attr4 => value2 ]
# attr1 and attr2 are attached to value2
# attributes may have values,
# '-attr=attr_value'
# by default the value is 1
# to undefine an attribute:
# -no_attr
# additionally, each value is given an attribute "id" representing its
# position in the list (independent of attributes) and in any sublists.
# id = [0], [0,0], [0,1,1], etc.
sub _build_spec_list
my $self = shift;
my ( $attrs, $levels, $specs ) = @_;
$attrs = [ {} ] unless defined $attrs;
$levels = [ -1 ] unless defined $levels;
my @res;
# process target attributes
foreach my $spec ( @$specs )
my $ref = ref $spec;
# if it's an attribute, process it
if ( ! $ref && $spec !~ /$RE_Float/ &&
$spec =~ /^-(no_)?(\w+)(?:\s*=\s*(.*))?/ )
if ( defined $1 )
$attrs->[-1]{$2} = undef;
$attrs->[-1]{$2} = defined $3 ? $3 : 1;
# maybe a nested level?
elsif ( 'ARRAY' eq $ref )
push @$attrs, {};
push @$levels, -1;
push @res, $self->_build_spec_list( $attrs, $levels, $spec );
pop @$attrs;
pop @$levels;
# reset attributes
$attrs->[-1] = {};
# a value
elsif ( 'SCALAR' eq $ref || ! $ref )
$spec = $$spec if $ref;
my %attr;
foreach my $lattr ( @$attrs )
my ( $key, $val );
$attr{$key} = $val while ( ($key,$val) = each %$lattr );
delete @attr{ grep { ! defined $attr{$_} } keys %attr };
push @res, { id => [ @$levels ],
val => $spec ,
attr => \%attr };
# reset attributes
$attrs->[-1] = {};
sub _traverse_spec_list
my $self = shift;
my @list = @_;
local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1;
# two phases; first the targets, then the dependencies.
# the targets are identified as id 0.X
my $deplist = Decision::Depends::List->new( $self->{State} );
my @targets;
eval {
for my $spec ( @list )
if ( (grep { exists $spec->{attr}{$_} } qw( target targets sfile slink )) ||
(! exists $spec->{attr}{depend} && 0 == $spec->{id}[0] ) )
push @targets, Decision::Depends::Target->new( $self->{State}, $spec );
my @match = grep { defined $spec->{attr}{$_} } qw( sig var ) ;
if ( @match > 1 )
croak( __PACKAGE__,
"::traverse_spec_list: too many classes for `$spec->{val}'" )
my $class = 'Decision::Depends::' .
( @match ? ucfirst( $match[0]) : 'Time' );
$deplist->add( $class->new( $self->{State}, $spec ) );
croak( $@ ) if $@;
croak( __PACKAGE__, '::traverse_spec_list: no targets?' )
unless @targets;
# should we require dependencies?
# croak( __PACKAGE__, '::traverse_spec_list: no dependencies?' )
# unless $deplist->ndeps;
( $deplist, \@targets );
sub _depends
my $self = shift;
my ( $deplist, $targets ) = @_;
local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1;
$deplist->depends( $targets );
sub _update
my $self = shift;
my ( $deplist, $targets ) = @_;
local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1;
$deplist->update( $targets );
$_->update foreach @$targets;