Changes for version 0.08 - 2018-02-27
- Perl 5.10 is now the minimum version supported
- the -create option is no longer available. wrapper classes are always created.
- modifying existing classes via -class is no longer supported as it proved too messy.
- classes no longer subclass from Hash::Wrap::Base.
- stand alone wrapper classes are now possible via -base
- wrapper classes can have real constructors via -new
- documentation has been rewritten (again!)
- wrapper classes can be subclassed
- much code refactoring
- accessor generation is now much simpler and subsequently faster.
- construction of the wrapper classes is simplified (no more searching parent classes for validation and signature subroutinesbuilders), so mro::compat is not required.
Changes for version 0.08 - 2018-03-12
create on-the-fly objects from hashes