PDL::Algorithm::Center - Various methods of finding the center of a sample


version 0.08


PDL::Algorithm::Center is a collection of algorithms which specialize in centering datasets.


See "TYPES" for information on the types used in the subroutine descriptions.


$results = sigma_clip(
    center      => Optional [ Center | CodeRef ],
    clip        => Optional [PositiveNum],
    coords      => Optional [Coords],
    dtol        => PositiveNum,
    iterlim     => Optional [PositiveInt],
    log         => Optional [Bool | CodeRef],
    mask        => Optional [ Undef | Piddle_min1D_ne ],
    save_mask   => Optional [Bool],
    save_weight => Optional [Bool],
    nsigma      => PositiveNum,
    weight      => Optional [ Undef | Piddle_min1D_ne ],

Center a dataset by iteratively excluding data outside of a radius equal to a specified number of standard deviations. The dataset may be specified as a list of coordinates and optional weights, or as a weight piddle of shape NxM (e.g., an image). If only the weight piddle is provided, it is converted internally into a list of coordinates with associated weights.

To operate on a subset of the input data, specify the mask option.

A PDL::Algorithm::Center::Failure::parameter exception will be thrown if there is a parameter error.

The center of a data set is determined by:

  1. clipping (ignoring) the data whose distance to the current center is greater than a specified number of standard deviations

  2. calculating a new center by performing a (weighted) centroid of the remaining data

  3. calculating the standard deviation of the distance from the remaining data to the center

  4. repeat step 1 until either a convergence tolerance has been met or the iteration limit has been exceeded

The initial center may be explicitly specified, or may be calculated by performing a (weighted) centroid of the data.

The initial standard deviation is calculated using the initial center and either the entire dataset, or from a clipped region about the initial center.


The following options are available:

center => ArrayRef | Piddle1D_ne | coderef

The initial center. It may be

  • An array of length N

    The array may contain undefined values for each dimension for which the center should be determined by finding the mean of the values in that dimension.

  • A piddle with shape N (or something that can be coerced into one, see "TYPES"),

  • A coderef which will return the center as a piddle with shape N. The subroutine is called as

    &$center( $coords, $mask, $weight, $total_weight );



    A piddle with shape NxM containing M coordinates with dimension N


    A piddle with shape M, essentially a flattened copy of the initial $mask option to "iterate".


    A piddle with shape M, essentially a copy of the initial $weight option to "iterate".


    A scalar which is the sum of $mask * $weight

clip => positive number

Optional. The clipping radius used to determine the initial standard deviation.

coords => Coords

Optional. The coordinates to center. coords is a piddle of shape NxM (or anything which can be coerced into it, see "TYPES") where N is the number of dimensions in the data and M is the number of data elements.

weight may be specified with coords to indicate weighted data.

mask may be specified to indicate that a subset of the coordinates should be operated on.

coords is useful if the data cube is not fully populated; for dense data, use weight instead.

dtol => positive number

Optional. If specified iteration will cease when successive centers are closer than the specified distance.

iterlim => positive integer

Optional. The maximum number of iterations to run. Defaults to 10.

log => boolean|coderef


If log is true (and not a coderef), a default logger which outputs to STDOUT will be used.

If a coderef it will be called before the first iteration and at the end of each iteration. It is passed a copy of the current iteration's results object; see "Sigma Clip Iteration Results".

mask => piddle

Optional. This is a piddle which specifies which coordinates to include in the calculations. Its values are either 0 or 1, where values of 1 indicate coordinates to be included. It defaults to a piddle of all 1's.

When used with coords, mask must be a piddle of shape M, where M is the number of data elements in coords.

If coords is not specified, mask should have the same shape as weight.

save_mask => boolean

If true, the mask used in the final iteration will be returned in the iteration result object.

save_weight => boolean

If true, the weights used in the final iteration will be returned in the iteration result object.

nsigma => scalar

The size of the clipping radius, in units of the standard deviation.

weight => piddle

Optional. Data weights. When used with coords, weight must be a piddle of shape M, where M is the number of data elements in coords. If coords is not specified, weight is a piddle of shape NxM, where N is the number of dimensions in the data and M is the number of data elements.

It defaults to a piddle of all 1's.

Sigma Clip Results

sigma_clip returns an object which includes all of the attributes from the final iteration object (See "Sigma Clip Iterations" ), with the following additional attributes/methods:

iterations => arrayref

An array of results objects for each iteration.

success => boolean

True if the iteration converged, false otherwise.

error => error object

If convergence has failed, this will contain an error object describing the failure. See "Errors".

mask => piddle

If the $save_mask option is true, this will be the final inclusion mask.

weight => piddle

If the $save_weight option is true, this will be the final weights.

Sigma Clip Iterations

The results for each iteration are stored in an object with the following attributes/methods:

center => piddle|undef

A 1D piddle containing the derived center. The value for the last iteration will be undefined if all of the elements have been clipped.

iter => integer

The iteration index. An index of 0 indicates the values determined before the iterative loop was entered, and reflects the initial clipping and mask exclusion.

nelem => integer

The number of data elements used in the center.

total_weight => number

The combined weight of the data elements used to determine the center.

sigma => number|undef

The standard deviation of the clipped data. The value for the last iteration will be undefined if all of the elements have been clipped.

clip => number|undef

The clipping radius. This will be undefined for the first iteration if the clip option was not specified.

dist => number

Optional. The distance between the previous and current centers. This is defined only if the dtol option was passed.


$result = iterate(
  center       => Center | CodeRef,
  initialize   => CodeRef,
  calc_center  => CodeRef,
  calc_wmask   => CodeRef,
  is_converged => CodeRef,
  coords       => Coords,
  iterlim      => PositiveInt,
  log          => Optional [CodeRef],
  mask         => Optional [Piddle1D_ne],
  save_mask    => Optional [Bool],
  save_weight  => Optional [Bool],
  weight       => Optional [Piddle1D_ne],

A generic iteration loop for centering data using callbacks for calculating centers, included element masks, weight, and iteration completion.

A PDL::Algorithm::Center::Failure::parameter exception will be thrown if there is a parameter error.


The following options are accepted:

center => Piddle1D_ne | coderef

The initial center. It may either be a piddle with shape N (or something that can be coerced into one, see "TYPES") or a coderef which will return the center as a piddle with shape N. The coderef is called as

$initial_center = &$center( $coords, $mask, $weight, $total_weight );



A piddle with shape NxM containing M coordinates with dimension N


A piddle with shape M, essentially a flattened copy of the initial $mask option to "iterate".


A piddle with shape M, essentially a copy of the initial $weight option to "iterate".


A scalar which is the sum of $mask * $weight.

initialize => coderef

This subroutine provides initialization prior to entering the iteration loop. It should initialize the passed iteration object and work storage.

It is invoked as:

&$initialize( $coords, $mask, $weight, $current, $work );



A piddle of shape NxM with the coordinates of each element


A piddle with shape M, essentially a flattened copy of the initial $mask option to "iterate".


A piddle with shape M, essentially a copy of the initial $weight option to "iterate".


a reference to a Hash::Wrap based object containing data for the current iteration. initialize may augment the underlying hash with its own data (but see "Work Space"). The following attributes are provided by iterate:


The number of included coordinates, $mask-sum>.


The sum of the weights of the included coordinates, ($mask * $weight)->dsum.


A hashref which may use to store temporary data (e.g. work piddles) which will be available to all of the callback routines.

calc_center => coderef

This subroutine should return a piddle of shape N with the calculated center.

It will be called as:

$center = &$calc_center( $coords, $mask, $weight, $current, $work );



A piddle of shape NxM with the coordinates of each element


A piddle with shape M containing the current inclusion mask.


A piddle with shape M containing the current weights for the included coordinates.


A reference to a Hash::Wrap based object containing data for the current iteration.

calc_center may augment the underlying hash with its own data (but see "Iteration Objects"). The following attributes are provided by iterate:


The number of included coordinates, $mask->sum.


The sum of the weights of the included coordinates, ($mask*$weight)->dsum).


A hashref which may use to store temporary data (e.g. work piddles) which will be available to all of the callback routines.

calc_wmask => coderef

This subroutine should determine the current set of included coordinates and their current weights.

It will be called as:

&$calc_mask( $coords, $mask, $weight, $current, $work );



A piddle of shape NxM with the coordinates of each element


A piddle with shape M, essentially a flattened copy of the initial $mask option to "iterate". Any changes to it will be discarded at the end of the iteration. Be sure to update $current->nelem if this is changed.


A piddle with shape M, essentially a flattened copy of the initial $mask option to "iterate". Any changes to it will be discarded at the end of the iteration. Be sure to update $current->total_weight if this is changed.


A reference to a Hash::Wrap based object containing data for the current iteration.

calc_center may augment the underlying hash with its own data (but see "Work Space"). The following attributes are provided by iterate:


The number of included coordinates, $mask->sum. If $mask is changed this must either be updated or set to the undefined value.


The sum of the weights of the included coordinates, ($mask * $weight)->dsum. If $weight is changed this must either be updated or set to the undefined value.


A hashref which may use to store temporary data (e.g. work piddles) which will be available to all of the callback routines.

is_converged => coderef

This subroutine should return a boolean value indicating whether the iteration has converged.

It is invoked as:

$bool = &$is_converged( $coords, $mask, $weight, $last, $current, $work );



A piddle of shape NxM with the coordinates of each element


A piddle with shape M containing the current inclusion mask.


A piddle with shape M containing the current weights for the included coordinates.


A reference to a Hash::Wrap based object containing data for the previous iteration. is_converged may augment the underlying hash with its own data (but see "Work Space"). The following attributes are provided by iterate:


The number of included coordinates.


The sum of the weights of the included coordinates.


A reference to a Hash::Wrap based object containing data for the current iteration, with attributes as described above for $last


A hashref which may use to store temporary data (e.g. work piddles) which will be available to all of the callback routines.

The is_converged routine is passed references to the actual objects used by sigma_clip to keep track of the iterations. This means that the is_converged routine may manipulate the starting point for the next iteration by altering its $current parameter.

is_converged is called prior to entering the iteration loop with $last set to undef. This allows priming the $current structure, which will be used as $last in the first iteration.

coords => Coords

The coordinates to center. coords is a piddle of shape NxM (or anything which can be coerced into it, see "TYPES") where N is the number of dimensions in the data and M is the number of data elements.


A positive integer specifying the maximum number of iterations.

log => coderef

Optional. A subroutine which will be called

between the call to initialize and the start of the first iteration
at the end of each iteration

It is invoked as

&$log( $iteration );

where $iteration is a copy of the current iteration object. The object will have at least the following fields:

center => piddle|undef

A piddle of shape N containing the derived center. The value for the last iteration will be undefined if all of the elements have been clipped.


The iteration index


The number of included coordinates.


The summed weight of the included coordinates.

There may be other attributes added by the various callbacks (calc_wmask, calc_center, is_converged). See for example, "Sigma Clip Iterations".

mask => piddle

Optional. This is a piddle which specifies which coordinates to include in the calculations. Its values are either 0 or 1, where values of 1 indicate coordinates to be included. It defaults to a piddle of all 1's.

When used with coords, mask must be a piddle of shape M, where M is the number of data elements in coords.

If coords is not specified, mask should have the same shape as weight.

save_mask => boolean

If true, the mask used in the final iteration will be returned in the iteration result object.

save_weight => boolean

If true, the weights used in the final iteration will be returned in the iteration result object.

weight => piddle

Optional. Data weights. When used with coords, weight must be a piddle of shape M, where M is the number of data elements in coords. If coords is not specified, weight is a piddle of shape NxM, where N is the number of dimensions in the data and M is the number of data elements.

It defaults to a piddle of all 1's.

Callbacks are provided with Hash::Wrap based objects which contain the data for the current iteration. They should add data to the objects underlying hash which records particulars about their specific operation,

Work Space

Callbacks are passed Hash::Wrap based iteration objects and a reference to a $work hash. The iteration objects may have additional elements added to them (which will be available to the caller), but should refrain from storing unnecessary data there, as each new iteration's object is copied from that for the previous iteration.

Instead, use the passed $work hash. It is shared amongst the callbacks, so use it to store data which will not be returned to the caller.


iterate returns an object which includes all of the attributes from the final iteration object (See "Iteration Object" ), with the following additional attributes/methods:

iterations => arrayref

An array of result objects for each iteration.

success => boolean

True if the iteration converged, false otherwise.

error => error object

If convergence has failed, this will contain an error object describing the failure. See "Errors".

mask => piddle

If the $save_mask option is true, this will be the final inclusion mask.

weight => piddle

If the $save_weight option is true, this will be the final weights.

The value of the center attribute in the last iteration will be undefined if all of the elements have been clipped.

Iteration Object

The results for each iteration are stored in an object with the following attributes/methods (in addition to those added by the callbacks).

center => piddle|undef

A 1D piddle containing the derived center. The value for the last iteration will be undefined if all of the elements have been clipped.

iter => integer

The iteration index. An index of 0 indicates the values determined before the iterative loop was entered, and reflects the initial clipping and mask exclusion.

nelem => integer

The number of data elements used in the center.

total_weight => number

The combined weight of the data elements used to determine the center.

Iteration Steps

Before the first iteration:

  1. Extract an initial center from center.

  2. Create a new iteration object.

  3. Call initialize.

  4. Call log

For each iteration:

  1. Creat a new iteration object by copying the old one.

  2. Call calc_wmask, with a copy of the initial mask and weights. calc_mask should update (in place) at least one of them

  3. Update summed weight and number of elements if calc_wmask sets them to undef.

  4. Call calc_center with the current mask and weights.

  5. Call is_converged with the current mask and weights.

  6. Call log

  7. Goto step 1 if not converged and iteration limit has not been reached.


In the description of the subroutines, the following types are specified:


This accepts a non-null, non-empty 1D piddle, or anything that can be converted into one (for example, a scalar, a scalar piddle, or an array of numbers );


A code reference.


A positive real number.


A positive integer.


This accepts a non-null, non-empty 2D piddle, or anything that can be converted or up-converted to it.


This accepts a non-null, non-empty piddle with a minimum of 1 dimension.


This accepts a non-null, non-empty 1D piddle.


Errors are represented as objects in the following classes:

Parameter Validation

These are unconditionally thrown as PDL::Algorithm::Center::Failure::parameter objects.


These are stored in the result object's error attribute.


The objects stringify to a failure message.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website or by email to

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


The development version is on github at and may be cloned from git://


Diab Jerius <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007