Changes for version 1.063 - 2015-09-03

  • Make PodWeaver do stuff
  • Strip out subroutine prototypes
  • Strip out $VERSION's so dzil can do it
  • Whitespace fixes all over
  • Use dist::zilla
  • Lots and lots of pod and tiny code style tweaks


A client for the Bugzilla web services API.
Abstract base class for the clients of the Bugzilla API.
Client side representation of a bug in Bugzilla
Provides access to the Bugzilla::Webservices::Bugzilla API
Exception class thrown by BZ::Client in case of errors.
Client side representation of a product in Bugzilla
Module for writing integration tests
Performs XML-RPC calls on behalf of the client.
Event handler for parsing a single XML-RPC array.
Abstract event handler for parsing an XML-RPC response.
A parser for an XML-RPC response.
Event handler for parsing an XML-RPC response.
Event handler for parsing a single XML-RPC struct.
Event handler for parsing a single XML-RPC value.


in lib/BZ/Client/
in lib/BZ/Client/
in lib/BZ/Client/