Changes for version 2.0_12
- Disable tests against 4.2 on landfill for BZ#113288
Changes for version 2.0_11
- Move into t/lib/
- Replace Test with Test::More everywhere
- Start using Test::RequiresInternet in t/
- Proof read and update pod
- minor but important fix
- Add OS and perl version to agent
Changes for version 2.0_10
- Lots of minor fixes, including working
- added
- mmake _create a little more flexible
- added
Changes for version 2.0_001
- let's make this thing sane....
- lots and lots of pod improvements
- wantarray sensitivity all around the place
- add fields() function
- dispatch table used rather than by if/elsif/else
- replace 'use constants' and make singleton-ish
- 'use' rather than 'require'
- use HTTP::Tiny instead of LWP
- use HTTP::CookieJar instead of HTTP::Cookies
- make logout() work better
- add update_see_also() and update_tags() functions
A client for the Bugzilla web services API.
Abstract base class for the clients of the Bugzilla API.
Client side representation of a bug in Bugzilla
Client side representation of an Attachment to a Bug in Bugzilla
Client side representation of an Comment on a Bug in Bugzilla
Find and Store the last time a user visited a Bugzilla Bug.
Information about the Bugzilla server, i.e. the Bugzilla::Webservices::Bugzilla API
Client side representation of Classifications in Bugzilla
Client side representation of Product Components in Bugzilla
Exception class thrown by BZ::Client in case of errors.
The API for creating, changing, and getting info on Flags
The API for creating, changing, and getting info on Groups
Client side representation of a product in Bugzilla
Creates and edits user accounts in Bugzilla
Performs XML-RPC calls on behalf of the client.
Event handler for parsing a single XML-RPC array.
Abstract event handler for parsing an XML-RPC response.
A parser for an XML-RPC response.
Event handler for parsing an XML-RPC response.
Event handler for parsing a single XML-RPC struct.
Event handler for parsing a single XML-RPC value.
in lib/BZ/Client/
in lib/BZ/Client/
in lib/BZ/Client/