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use strict;
use Carp qw(croak);
use base 'Exporter';
=head1 VERSION
our $VERSION = 0.1;
our @EXPORT = qw( access access_domains );
=head1 NAME
Net::Proxmox::VE::Access - Functions for the 'access' portion of the API
# assuming $obj is a Net::Proxmox::VE object
my @dir_index = $obj->access();
my @domain_index = $obj->access_domains();
my $domain = $obj->access_domains($realm);
eval{ $obj->access_domains(\%args) };
=head1 METHODS
=head2 access
Without arguments, returns the 'Directory index':
(Corresponds to the following functions in the PMVE Api definitions)
HTTP: GET /api2/json/access
CLI: pvesh get /access
With arguments: croaks as there is no applicable PUT behaviour
my $base = '/access';
sub access {
my $self = shift or return;
my @a = @_ and croak 'access accepts no arguments';
my $access = $self->get($base);
return wantarray ? @$access : $access;
=head2 access_domains
Without arguments, returns 'Authentication domain index':
(Corresponds to the following functions in the PMVW Api definitions)
HTTP: GET /api2/json/access/domains
CLI: pvesh get /access/domains
With a single scalar argument, returns a single Domain object:
(Corresponds to the following functions in the PMVW Api definitions)
HTTP: GET /api2/json/access/domains/{realm}
CLI: pvesh get /access/domains/{realm}
With multiple arguments, '[Adds] an authentication server':
(Corresponds to the following functions in the PMVW Api definitions)
HTTP: POST /api2/json/access/domains
CLI: pvesh create /access/domains
sub access_domains {
my $self = shift or return;
my @a = @_;
# if no arguments, return a list
unless (@a) {
my $domains = $self->get($base,'domains');
return wantarray ? @$domains : $domains;
# if there is a single argument, return a single realm instance as an object
} elsif (@a == 1) {
my $domains = $self->get($base,'domains',$a[0]);
return $domains;
# if there are multiple, then create new realm
} else {
return 1
sub new {
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 SUPPORT
=head1 AUTHORS
Brendan Beveridge <brendan@nodeintegration.com.au>,
Dean Hamstead <dean@fragfest.com.au>