The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

# vim:ft=perl:
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 117;
use constant METHODS => (
'new', 'to_form', 'from_form', 'rt_type', 'comment', 'correspond',
'attachments', 'transactions', 'take', 'untake', 'steal',
# attributes:
'id', 'queue', 'owner', 'creator', 'subject', 'status', 'priority',
'initial_priority', 'final_priority', 'requestors', 'cc', 'admin_cc',
'created', 'starts', 'started', 'due', 'resolved', 'told',
'time_estimated', 'time_worked', 'time_left', 'last_updated', 'sla',
my $ticket;
lives_ok {
$ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new;
'Ticket can get successfully created';
for my $method (METHODS) {
can_ok( $ticket, $method );
for my $method (qw(comment correspond)) {
# Need local copy.
my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new;
throws_ok {
'RT::Client::REST::Exception'; # Make sure exception inheritance works
throws_ok {
throws_ok {
"won't go on without RT object";
throws_ok {
"'rt' expects an actual RT object";
lives_ok {
$ticket->rt( RT::Client::REST->new );
"RT object successfully set";
throws_ok {
"won't go on without 'id' attribute";
lives_ok {
"'id' successfully set to a numeric value";
throws_ok {
lives_ok {
"'id' successfully set to a numeric value";
throws_ok {
"Need 'message' to $method";
throws_ok {
$ticket->$method( message => 'abc' );
throws_ok {
message => 'abc',
attachments => ['- this file does not exist -'],
for my $method (qw(attachments transactions)) {
# Need local copy.
my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new;
throws_ok {
"won't go on without RT object";
throws_ok {
"'rt' expects an actual RT object";
lives_ok {
$ticket->rt( RT::Client::REST->new );
"RT object successfully set";
throws_ok {
"won't go on without 'id' attribute";
lives_ok {
"'id' successfully set to a numeric value";
throws_ok {
for my $method (qw(take untake steal)) {
# Need local copy.
my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new;
throws_ok {
"won't go on without RT object";
throws_ok {
"'rt' expects an actual RT object";
lives_ok {
$ticket->rt( RT::Client::REST->new );
"RT object successfully set";
throws_ok {
"won't go on without 'id' attribute";
lives_ok {
"'id' successfully set to a numeric value";
throws_ok {
# Test list attributes:
throws_ok {
'List attributes (requestors) only accept array reference';
my @emails = qw(dmitri@localhost dude@localhost);
throws_ok {
'List attributes (requestors) only accept array reference';
lives_ok {
$ticket->requestors( [] );
'Set requestors to empty values';
ok( 0 == $ticket->requestors, 'There are 0 requestors' );
lives_ok {
$ticket->requestors( \@emails );
'Set requestors to list of two values';
ok( 2 == $ticket->requestors, 'There are 2 requestors' );
lives_ok {
$ticket->add_requestors(qw(xyz@localhost root pgsql));
'Added three more requestors';
ok( 5 == $ticket->requestors, 'There are now 5 requestors' );
lives_ok {
'Deleted a requestor (root)';
ok( 4 == $ticket->requestors, 'There are now 4 requestors' );
ok( 'ticket' eq $ticket->rt_type );
# Test time parsing
$ticket->due('Thu Jan 12 11:14:31 2012');
my $dt = $ticket->due_datetime();
is( $dt->year, 2012 );
is( $dt->month, 1 );
is( $dt->day, 12 );
is( $dt->hour, 11 );
is( $dt->minute, 14 );
is( $dt->second, 31 );
is( $dt->time_zone->name, 'UTC' );
$dt = DateTime->new(
year => 1983,
month => 9,
day => 1,
hour => 1,
minute => 2,
second => 3,
time_zone => 'EST'
$dt = $ticket->due_datetime($dt);
is( $dt->year, 1983 );
is( $dt->month, 9 );
is( $dt->day, 1 );
is( $dt->hour, 6 );
is( $dt->minute, 2 );
is( $dt->second, 3 );
is( $dt->time_zone->name, 'UTC' );
is( $ticket->due, 'Thu Sep 01 01:02:03 1983' );
throws_ok {
$ticket->due_datetime( bless {}, 'foo' );