Looking for help!
The maintainer of this distribution is looking for people to help them improve this module!
If you're interested then please contact them via
Changes for version 0.002 - 2017-04-28
- Add cubbyhole secret
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Base)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Cassandra)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Secret)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Secret)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Secret)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (MSSQL)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (MongoDB)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (MySQL)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (PostgreSQL)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (RabbitMQ)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Secret)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (System)