Changes for version 0.003 - 2017-11-08

  • Allow path to be given to Generic backend secrets
  • Typo in pod
  • Thanks to nxadm via GH pr #1


Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Base)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Cassandra)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Secret)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Secret)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Secret)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (MSSQL)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (MongoDB)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (MySQL)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (PostgreSQL)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (RabbitMQ)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (Secret)
Perl API for HashiCorp's Vault (System)
