DBIx::TextIndex - Perl extension for full-text searching in SQL databases
use DBIx::TextIndex;
my $index = DBIx::TextIndex->new({
doc_dbh => $doc_dbh,
doc_table => 'doc_table',
doc_fields => ['column_1', 'column_2'],
doc_id_field => 'primary_key',
index_dbh => $index_dbh,
collection => 'collection_1',
proximity_index => 1,
errors => {
empty_query => "your query was empty",
quote_count => "phrases must be quoted correctly",
no_results => "your seach did not produce any results",
no_results_stop => "no results, these words were stoplisted: "
charset => 'iso-8859-1'.
stoplist => [ 'en' ],
max_word_length => 12,
phrase_threshold => 1000,
min_wildcard_length => 1,
decode_html_entities => 1,
print_activity => 0
my $results = $index->search({
column_1 => '"a phrase" +and -not or',
column_2 => 'more words',
foreach my $doc_id
(sort {$$results{$b} <=> $$results{$a}} keys %$results )
print "DocID: $doc_id Score: $$results{$doc_id} \n";
DBIx::TextIndex was developed for doing full-text searches on BLOB columns stored in a database. Almost any database with BLOB and DBI support should work with minor adjustments to SQL statements in the module. MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite are currently supported.
Operates in case insensitive manner.
The following methods are available:
$index = DBIx::TextIndex->new(\%args)
Constructor method. The first time an index is created, the following arguments must be passed to new():
my $index = DBIx::TextIndex->new({
doc_dbh => $doc_dbh,
doc_table => 'doc_table',
doc_fields => ['column_1', 'column_2'],
doc_id_field => 'primary_key',
index_dbh => $index_dbh,
collection => 'collection_1'
Other arguments are optional.
- doc_dbh
DBI connection handle to database containing text documents
- doc_table
Name of database table containing text documents
- doc_fields
Reference to a list of column names to be indexed from doc_table
- doc_id_field
Name of a unique integer key column in doc_table
- index_dbh
DBI connection handle to database containing TextIndex tables. Using a separate database for your TextIndex is recommended, because the module creates and drops tables without warning.
- collection
A name for the index. Should contain only alpha-numeric characters or underscores [A-Za-z0-9_]
- proximity_index
Newer compressed proximity index is turned on by default as of version 0.22.
"some phrase"~2 => matches "some nice phrase" "some phrase"~1 => matches only exact "some phrase" "some phrase"~10 => matches "some [1..9 words] phrase" Defaults to ~1 when omitted.
The proximity matches work only forwards, not backwards, that means:
"some phrase"~3 does not match "phrase nice some" or "phrase some"
- db
In past versions, the database driver name was passed in this argument. As of version 0.22, the driver name is read from the database handle passed to index_dbh.
- errors
This hash reference can be used to override default error messages. Please refer to the SYNOPSIS for meaning of the particular keys and values.
- charset Default is 'iso-8859-1'.
Accented characters are converted to ASCII equivalents based on the charset.
Pass 'iso-8859-2' for Czech or other Slavic languages.
- stoplist
Activates stoplisting of very common words that are present in almost every document. Default is not to use stoplisting. Value of the parameter is a reference to array of two-letter language codes in lower case. Currently only two stoplists exist:
en => English cz => Czech
- max_word_length
Specifies maximum word length resolution. Defaults to 20 characters.
- phrase_threshold
Defaults to 1000 documents.
- decode_html_entities
Decode html entities before indexing documents (e.g. & -> &). Default is 1.
- print_activity
Activates STDOUT debugging. Higher value increases verbosity.
After creating a new TextIndex for the first time, and after calling initialize(), only the index_dbh, doc_dbh, and collection arguments are needed to create subsequent instances of a TextIndex.
This method creates all the inverted tables for the TextIndex in the database specified by doc_dbh. This method should be called only once when creating a new index! It drops all the inverted tables before creating new ones.
initialize() also stores the doc_table, doc_fields, doc_id_field, char_set, stoplist, error attributes, proximity_index, max_word_length, phrase_threshold and min_wildcard_length preferences in a special table called "collection," so subsequent calls to new() for a given collection do not need those arguments.
Calling initialize() will upgrade the collection table created by earlier versions of DBIx::TextIndex if necessary.
Upgrades the collection table to the latest format. Usually does not need to be called by the programmer, because initialize() handles upgrades automatically.
Add all the @docs_ids from doc_id_field to the TextIndex. All further calls to add_doc() must use @doc_ids higher than those previously added to the index. Reindexing previously-indexed documents will yield unpredictable results!
This method accepts a reference to an array of doc ids as its parameter. The specified documents will be removed from the index, but not from the actual documents table that is being indexed. The documents itself must be accessible when you remove them from the index. The ids should be sorted from lowest to highest.
It's actually not possible to completely recover the space taken by the documents that are removed, therefore it's recommended to rebuild the index when you remove a significant amount of documents.
search() returns $results, a hash reference. The keys of the hash are doc ids, and the values are the relative scores of the documents. If an error occured while searching, search will throw a DBIx::TextIndex::Exception::Query object.
eval {
$results = $index->search({
first_field => '+andword -notword orword "phrase words"',
second_field => ...
if ($@) {
if ($@->isa('DBIx::TextIndex::Exception::Query') {
print "No results: " . $@->error . "\n";
} else {
# Something more drastic happened
} else {
print "The score for $doc_id is $results->{$doc_id}\n";
unscored_search() returns $doc_ids, a reference to an array. Since the scoring algorithm is skipped, this method is much faster than search(). A DBIx::TextIndex::Exception::Query object will be thrown if the query is bad or no results are found.
eval {
$doc_ids = $index->unscored_search({
first_field => '+andword -notword orword "phrase words"',
second_field => ...
if ($@) {
if ($@->isa('DBIx::TextIndex::Exception::Query') {
print "No results: " . $@->error . "\n";
} else {
# Something more drastic happened
} else {
print "Here's all the doc ids:\n";
map { print "$_\n" } @$doc_ids;
@doc_ids = $index->all_docs_ids
all_doc_ids() return a list of all doc_ids currently in the index.
Allows you to obtain some meta information about the index. Accepts one parameter that specifies what you want to obtain.
Returns a total count of words in the index. This number may differ from the total count of words in the documents itself.
delete() removes the tables associated with a TextIndex from index_dbh.
DBIx::TextIndex can apply boolean operations on arbitrary lists of doc ids to search results.
Take this table:
doc_id category doc_full_text
1 green full text here ...
2 green ...
3 blue ...
4 red ...
5 blue ...
6 green ...
Masks that represent doc ids for in each the three categories can be created:
$index->add_mask($mask_name, \@doc_ids);
$index->add_mask('green_category', [ 1, 2, 6 ]);
$index->add_mask('blue_category', [ 3, 5 ]);
$index->add_mask('red_category', [ 4 ]);
The first argument is an arbitrary string, and the second is a reference to any array of doc ids that the mask name identifies.
mask operations are passed in a second argument hash reference to $index->search():
%query_args = (
first_field => '+andword -notword orword "phrase words"',
second_field => ...
%args = (
not_mask => \@not_mask_list,
and_mask => \@and_mask_list,
or_mask => \@or_mask_list,
or_mask_set => [ \@or_mask_list_1, \@or_mask_list_2, ... ],
$index->search(\%query_args, \%args);
- not_mask
For each mask in the not_mask list, the intersection of the search query results and all documents not in the mask is calculated.
From our example above, to narrow search results to documents not in green category:
$index->search(\%query_args, { not_mask => ['green_category'] });
- and_mask
For each mask in the and_mask list, the intersection of the search query results and all documents in the mask is calculated.
This would give return results only in blue category:
$index->search(\%query_args, { and_mask => ['blue_category'] });
Instead of using named masks, lists of doc ids can be passed on the fly as array references. This would give the same results as the previous example:
my @blue_ids = (3, 5); $index->search(\%query_args, { and_mask => [ \@blue_ids ] });
- or_mask_set
With the or_mask_set argument, the union of all the masks in each list is computed individually, and then the intersection of each union set with the query results is calculated.
- or_mask
An or_mask is treated as an or_mask_set with only one list. In this example, the union of blue_category and red_category is taken, and then the intersection of that union with the query results is calculated:
$index->search(\%query_args, { or_mask => [ 'blue_category', 'red_category' ] });
Deletes a single mask from the mask table in the database.
You can use wildcard characters "*" or "?" at the end of or in the middle of words
"*" matches zero or more characters
car* ==> "car", "cars", "careful", "cartel", ....
ca*r ==> "car", "career", "caper", "cardiovascular"
"?" matches any single character
car? ==> "care", "cars", "cart"
d?g ==> "dig", "dog", "dug"
"+" at the end matches singular or plural form (naively, by
appending an 's' to the word)
car+ ==> "car", "cars"
By default, at least 1 alphanumeric character must appear before the first wildcard character. The option min_wildcard_length can changed to require more alphanumeric characters before the first wildcard.
The option max_wildcard_term_expansion specifies the maximum number of words a wildcard term can expand to before throwing a query exception. The default is 30 words.
A module HTML::Highlight can be used either independently or together with DBIx::TextIndex for this task.
The HTML::Highlight module provides a very nice Google-like highligting using different colors for different words or phrases and also can be used to preview a context in which the query words appear in resulting documents.
The module works together with DBIx::TextIndex using its new method html_highlight().
Check example script 'html_search.cgi' in the 'examples/' directory of DBIx::TextIndex distribution or refer to the documentation of HTML::Highlight for more information.
Daniel Koch,
Copyright 1997-2004 by Daniel Koch. All rights reserved.
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e., under the terms of the "Artistic License" or the "GNU General Public License".
This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.
Thanks to Jim Blomo, for PostgreSQL patches.
Thanks to the lucy project ( for ideas and code for the Okapi scoring function.
Simon Cozens' Lucene::QueryParser module was adapted to create the DBIx::TextIndex QueryParser module.
Special thanks to Tomas Styblo, for first version of proximity index, Czech language support, stoplists, highlighting, document removal and many other improvements.
Thanks to Ulrich Pfeifer for ideas and code from Man::Index module in "Information Retrieval, and What pack 'w' Is For" article from The Perl Journal vol. 2 no. 2.
Thanks to Steffen Beyer for the Bit::Vector module, which enables fast set operations in this module. Version 5.3 or greater of Bit::Vector is required by DBIx::TextIndex.
Documentation is not complete.
Please feel free to email me ( with any questions or suggestions.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 2279:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'