template_syntax - description of the syntax of a Text::Tmpl template.


In general:

<!--#function "argument1", $argument2, "argu" $ment "3"--><!--#endfunction-->


<!--#echo "text"-->

<!--#include "file"-->

<!--#comment-->This won't be printed<!--#endcomment-->

<!--#if "value"-->This will be printed if "value" is "true"<!--#endif-->

<!--#ifn "value"-->This will be printed if "value" is "false"<!--#endifn-->

<!--#loop "loopname"-->This may be printed a bunch of times<!--#endloop-->


The specific tags listed above are merely the default tags in the template library. It is possible to add tags of your own.

The tag format is: open_tag_delimiter (default: "<!--#") + function name + some whitespace + comma-separated argument list (described below) + close_tag_delimiter (default: "-->").

Each argument in the comma-separated argument list consists of of variables and strings - everything else is ignored. A variable looks like $foo, where foo is any number of alphanumeric characters. A string is anything (including whitespace, newlines, etc...) within double-quotes. To put literal double quotes into a string, escape with a backslash. For example, the following list:

"argument1", $argument2, "argu" $ment "3"

would become:

argument1, (the value of $argument2), argu(the value of $ment)3

Tag pair nesting is possible (and infinite, at least if you have an infinite stack...) Also, the result of a simple tag evaluation will actually be parsed again, so you can (for example) include another template into the current one, and it will be parsed.


Hopefully none. Though this documentation could possibly be considered a bug...


J. David Lowe,


libtmpl(1), Text::Tmpl(1), template_extend(1)