Catalyst::Model::Data::Localize - Catalyst Model Over Data::Localize
$c->model('Data::Localize') # or Localize. whatever
->localize($key, @args);
WARNING: Data::Localize, which this module is based on, is still in alpha quality. This module should also be treated as such.
This is a thin wrapper around Data::Localize. The only thing it does that a plain Catalyst::Model::Adaptor + Data::Localize can do is the automatic discovery of I18N files (if they are placed under likely locations).
For example, these files will automatically be found:
# suppose our Catalyst app is at lib/
Also, for those like me that don't like to put a catalyst app at the project's top namespace, we look for one level above, too:
# suppose our Catalyst app is at lib/MyApp/
The default behavior is to detect the language setting from the HTTP headers. If you want to override it, simply place an explicit call somehwere in your action chain:
my $loc = $c->model('Data::Localize');
$loc->set_languages('ja'); # or whatever you prefer
$loc->localize($key, @args);
Configuration can be done via the 'Model::Data::Localize' slot:
auto 1
class Gettext
path /path/to/gettext/files/*.po
If you want Catalyst::Plugin::I18N compatible style method generation on the context object, look at Catalyst::Plugin::Data::Localize, which is just a really thin wrapper over this module.
Tests. Yes, I know.
There's a warnings from Moose. It's harmless, but it's annoying.
Daisuke Maki <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 147:
Unknown directive: =TODO