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# $Id: /mirror/coderepos/lang/perl/Crypt-DH-GMP/trunk/lib/Crypt/DH/GMP.pm 50372 2008-04-15T06:01:13.149121Z daisuke $
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
$VERSION = '0.00003';
eval {
require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION);
} or do {
require DynaLoader;
push @ISA, 'DynaLoader';
sub import
my $class = shift;
if (grep { $_ eq '-compat' } @_) {
sub new
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
$class->_xs_new($args{p} || "0", $args{g} || "0", $args{priv_key} || '');
*compute_secret = \&compute_key;
=head1 NAME
Crypt::DH::GMP - Crypt::DH Using GMP Directly
use Crypt::DH::GMP;
my $dh = Crypt::DH::GMP->new(p => $p, g => $g);
my $val = $dh->compute_secret();
# If you want compatibility with Crypt::DH (it uses Math::BigInt)
# then use this flag
# You /think/ you're using Crypt::DH, but...
use Crypt::DH::GMP qw(-compat);
my $dh = Crypt::DH->new(p => $p, g => $g);
my $val = $dh->compute_secret();
Crypt::DH::GMP is a (somewhat) portable replacement to Crypt::DH, implemented
mostly in C.
Crypt::DH uses Math::BigInt, which is a very feature-full and fast interface
to perform high-precision math. However, with Crypt::DH, there exists several
=over 4
=item GMP/Pari libraries are almost always required
GMP and Pari are High precision math libraries which can be used from
Math::BigInt. They are great tools, but require the installation of these
C libraries.
Crypt::DH (and in turn, Math::BigInt) works without these modules, but when
used without them, Crypt::DH is pretty much useless because of its poor
performance. This makes the underlying C libraries a requirement.
=item Crypt::DH suffers from having Math::BigInt in between GMP
Math::BigInt is (again) a god-sent for those of us who require high-precision
math from within Perl, but within the usage case that goes from
Crypt::DH, Math::BigInt, and finally to GMP|Pari, Crypt::DH suffers
dramatically in terms of performance, mainly (I assume) from the fact that
it requires several calls that round trip conversions between Perl and GMP.
Based on these, I've decided that it will probably benefit a fair amount of
people by introducing a Crypt::DH compatible layer that directly works
with the C layer of gmp.
This means that we've essentially eliminated 2 call stacks worth of
Perl method calls (which are expensive) and we also only load the
1 (Crypt::DH::GMP) module instead of 3 (Crypt::DH + Math::BigInt + Math::BigInt::GMP)
These add up to a fairly significant increase in performance.
Crypt::DH::GMP absolutely refuses to consider using anything other than
strings as its parameters and/or return values therefore if you would like
to use Math::BigInt objects as your return values, you can not use
Crypt::DH::GMP directly. Instead, you need to be explicit about it:
use Crypt::DH;
use Crypt::DH::GMP qw(-compat); # must be loaded AFTER Crypt::DH
Specifying -compat invokes a very nasty hack that overwrites Crypt::DH's
symbol table -- this then forces Crypt::DH users to use Crypt::DH::GMP
instead, even if you are writing
my $dh = Crypt::DH->new(...);
By NO MEANS is this an exhaustive benchmark, but here's what I get on my
MacBook (OS X 10.5.2, 2GHz Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM)
daisuke@beefcake Crypt-DH-GMP$ perl -Mblib tools/benchmark.pl
Rate pp gmp
pp 1.70/s -- -98%
gmp 112/s 6526% --
I want it to run for much longer duration, but the above was all I could
get going at 1am on this particular day
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
=head2 p
=head2 g
=head2 compute_key
=head2 compute_secret
=head2 generate_keys
=head2 pub_key
=head2 priv_key
=head1 AUTHOR
Daisuke Maki C<< <daisuke@endeworks.jp> >>
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.