Changes for version 1.00

  • This module has been sitting around for way too long. Although it's not perfect, it works for about 99% of the cases, and so I'm just going to release it and see if there's anybody who wants to take a stab at making it work even more correctly
  • Declare functions static + inline as much as possible.
  • Very minor optimizations

Changes for version 0.99999_03

  • What, it has been 2 years?!
  • There was a stupid boolean operation that always resulted in true

Changes for version 0.99999_02

  • Fixed the adjustment on new moons so that it's done in one step instead of looping by adjusting fixed amounts. This caused a significant slow down when calculating new moons that fell in the range of year >= 2020. Reported by nekokak.
  • Micro optimize by moving dt_from_moment() to XS.
  • Doc Tweaks

Changes for version 0.99999_01

  • Renamed from DateTime::Util::Astro to DateTime::Astro
  • Rewritten from scratch using MPFR. DateTime::Astro will host ALL astro-related calculations so you only need to link to MPFR once :)
  • Moved repository to github
  • Changes (from DateTime-Util-Astro, predecessor of this module)


Functions For Astromical Calendars
Calculate Solar Terms


in lib/DateTime/
in lib/DateTime/