Changes for version 0.05000_03
- Make Data::Extended capable of handling multiple sets of data (danjou)
- Add proper color support and legend support (danjou)
Changes for version 0.05000_02
- Fix Fill::LinearStripes and Fill::LinearGradient
- Slight modification Google::Chart accessor generation
Changes for version 0.05000_01
- Mooooooooooooooose
- Backwards incompatible! Beware!
Interface to Google Charts API
Google::Chart Axis Specification
Google::Chart Axis Item
Google::Chart Axis Style
Google::Chart Color
Google::Chart Data Role
Google::Chart Extended Data Encoding
Google::Chart Simple Data Encoding
Google::Chart Text Encoding
Base Fill Role
Apply Gradient Fill
Apply Linear Strip Fill
Apply Solid Fill
Google::Chart Legend
Google::Chart Marker
Google::Chart Query Component
Simplified Google::Chart Query Component
Google::Chart Size Specification
Apply Title
Google::Chart Type Role
Google::Chart Bar Type
Google::Chart Line Type
Google::Chart Pie Chart Type
Google::Chart QRcode Type
Google::Chart Radar Type
Google::Chart ScatterPlot Type
Role For Simple Types
Google::Chart SparkLine Type
Google::Chart Venn Type
Google::Chart Miscellaneous Types