Changes for version 0.09000_02
- Apply some changes to the Pie chart (nudge and patch by Jason Benguerel). the chp parameter and cht=pc doesn't exist in the Japanese docs. Sigh...
- Above change also means name of some attributes changed (pie_labels -> labels, etc)
Changes for version 0.09000_01
- So I'm being a bad boy and doing it again. Time for another take. This time I'd like everybody's input.
- RATIONALE: I wrote the code for Google::Chart (after having received maintainership from Marcel) when I was going crazy about Roles, but I can't say I had the appropriate knowledge to deal with them.
- In this release, I've fixed what I can, organized things a bit better, and conjured up what I believe to be a saner API.
- Significant <BACKWARD IMCOMPATIBLE> Changes
- New syntax
- my $g = Google::Chart->create( $type => %args ); $g->add_dataset(...);
- Most operations are now done against the main chart object via add_* calls:
- $g->add_axis( ... ); $g->add_dataset( ... ); $g->add_range_fill( ... );
- Related to the above, since we now cover most of the gory details in method calls, lots of object deprecated, or made invisible to regular users. Things like markers, fill objects, etc, are now hidden.
- New syntax
Changes for version 0.05014_01
- Apply changes from Mike Schilli
- (ms) Added support for XY type graphs (ms) Added Google::Chart::Title support in Google::Chart (ms) Added Google::Chart::Margin support (ms) Google::Chart::Fill::LinearGradient now supports transitions from color1/offset1 to color2/offset2 (ms) Added 'D' option in Google::Chart::Marker for line and bar chart line styles
- TODO: Now that we (well, /I/) know more about meta programming, perhaps there was an easier way to add the various functionalities using Roles?
Interface to Google Charts API
Google::Chart Data
A Single Data Set
Google::Chart Extended Encoding
Encode Values Based On "Simple Encoding"
Text Encoding
Apply Title
Google::Chart Bar Type
Google::Chart Line Type
Google::Chart Pie Chart Type
Google::Chart QRcode Type
Google::Chart Radar Type
Google::Chart ScatterPlot Type
Google::Chart SparkLine Type
Google::Chart Venn Type
Google::Chart XY Line Type
Google::Chart Miscellaneous Types
Charts With Axis
Role For Charts That Have "Plottable" Data
Charts With Grids
Bad Naming For Extra Line Styles
Adds Line Style Properties To Your Dataset
in lib/Google/Chart/
in lib/Google/Chart/
in lib/Google/Chart/Type/
in lib/Google/Chart/Type/
in lib/Google/Chart/
in lib/Google/Chart/
in lib/Google/Chart/
in lib/Google/Chart/
in lib/Google/Chart/
in lib/Google/Chart/