Gungho - Yet Another High Performance Web Crawler Framework
use Gungho;
What, another crawler?
YES. Gungho is Yet Another Web Crawler Framework, aimed to be extensible and fast. It is a culmination of lessons learned while building another crawler named Xango -- Xango was *fast*, but it was horribly hard to debug or to extend (Gungho even works right out of the box ;)
Therefore, Gungho's main aim is to make it as easy as possible to write complex crawlers, while still keeping crawling *fast*. You can simply specify the urls to fetch and some code to handle the responses -- we do the rest.
Gungho tries to build from clean structures, based upon principles from the likes of Catalyst, DBIx::Class, and Plagger, so that you can easily extend it to your liking.
Features such as robot rules handling (robots.txt) and request throttling can be removed/added on the fly, just by specifying the components that you want to load. You can easily create additional functionality by writing your own component.
Gungho is still very fast -- it uses event driven frameworks such as POE, Danga::Socket, and IO::Async as the main engine to drive requests. Choose the best engine for your needs: For example, if you plan on creating a POE-based handler to process the response, you might choose the POE engine - it will fit nicely into the request cycle. However, do note that the most heavily excercised engine is POE. Danga::Socket and IO::Async works, but haven't been tested too vigorously. Please send in requests and bug reports if you encounter any problems.
WARNING: *ALL* APIs are still subject to change.
Gungho is designed to so that it can handle massive amount of traffic. If you're careful enough with your Provider and Handler implementation, you can in fact hit millions of URL with this crawler.
So PLEASE DO NOT LET IT LOOSE. DO NOT OVERLOAD your crawl targets. You are STRONGLY advised to use Gungho::Component::Throttle to throttle your fetches.
Also PLEASE CHANGE THE USER AGENT NAME OF YOUR CRAWLER. If you hit your targets hard with the default name (Gungho/VERSION X.XXXX), it will look as though a service called Gungho is hitting their site, which really isn't the case. Whatever it is, please specify at least a simple user agent in your config
Gungho is comprised of three parts. A Provider, which provides Gungho with requests to process, a Handler, which handles the fetched page, and an Engine, which controls the entire process.
There are also "hooks". These hooks can be registered from anywhere by invoking the register_hook() method. They are run at particular points, which are specified when you call register_hook().
All components (engine, provider, handler) are overridable and switcheable. However, do note that if you plan on customizing stuff, you should be aware that Gungho uses Class::C3 extensively, and hence you may see warnings about the code you use.
Gungho has experimental support for running in distributed environments.
Strictly speaking, each crawler needs to have its own strategy to enable itself to to run in a distribued environment. What Gungho offers is a "good enough" solution that may work for your. If what Gungho offers isn't enough, at least what comes with it might help to show you what needs to be tweaked for your particular environment.
Roughly speaking, there are three components you need to worry about in order to make a well bahaved and distributed crawler. Check out the below list and documentation for each component.
- Distributed Throttling
As of version 0.08010, Throttle::Domain and Throttle::Simple can be configured to use whatever Data::Throttler-based throttling object as its engine.
Download Data::Throttler::Memcached, and specify it as the engine behind your throttling for Gungho. Using Data::Throttler::Memcached will make Gungho store throttling information in a shared Memcached server, which will allow separate Gungho instances to share that information.
- Distributed robots.txt Handling
As of version 0.08013, RobotRules can be configured to use a cache in the backend. You can specify your choice of distributed cache (e.g. Memcached) and use that as the storage for robots.txt data.
Of course, this means that robots.txt data isn't persitent, but you should be expiring robots.txt once in while to reflect new data, anyways.
- Distributed Provider
This is actually the simplest aspect, as it's usually done by hooking the provider with a database. However, if you prefer, you may use some sort of Message Queue as your backend.
- debug
--- debug: 1
Setting debug to a non-zero value will trigger debug messages to be displayed.
Components add new functionality to Gungho. Components are loaded at startup time from the config file / hash given to Gungho constructor.
components => [
throttle => {
max_interval => ...,
Components modify Gungho's inheritance structure at run time to add extra functionality to Gungho, and therefore should only be loaded before starting the engine.
Here are some available components. Checkout the distribution for a current, complete list:
Handles basic HTTP auth automatically.
Block hostnames that resolve to private IP addresses.
Adds cache supports to Gungho.
Handles collecting, parsing robots.txt, as well rejecting requests based on the rules provided from it.
Handles parsing Robots META information embedded in HTML <meta> tags
Allows you to use Web::Scraper from within Gungho.
Throttles requests based on the number of requests sent to a domain.
Throttles requests based on the total number of requests being sent
If you're looking into simple crawlers, you may want to look at Gungho::Inline,
provider => sub { ... },
handler => sub { ... }
See the manual for Gungho::Inline for details.
Currently available hooks are:
Used for Class::C3::Componentised
One last note about Gungho - Don't use it if you are planning on accessing a single url -- It's usually not worth it, so you might as well use LWP::UserAgent or an equivalent module.
Gungho's event driven engine works best when you are accessing hundreds, if not thousands of urls. It may in fact be slower than using LWP::UserAgent if you are accessing just a single url.
Of course, you may wish to utilize features other than speed that Gungho provides, so at that point, it's simply up to you.
You can obtain the current code base from
Copyright (c) 2007 Daisuke Maki <>
Gungho::Inline Gungho::Component::RobotRules
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.