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This distribution is up for adoption!
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Changes for version 1.03
- Allow die \%hash from handlers (ka2u)
JSON RPC 2.0 Server Implementation
Dispatch JSON RPC Requests To Handlers
Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol
Perl implementation of JSON-RPC client
JSON-RPC Service attributes
Perl implementation of JSON-RPC sever
JSON-RPC sever for mod_perl2
JSON-RPC sever for CGI
JSON-RPC sever for daemon
Parse JSON RPC Requests from Plack::Request
A JSON::RPC Procedure
Simple Wrapper To Test Your JSON::RPC
in lib/JSON/RPC/Legacy/Client.pm
in lib/JSON/RPC/Legacy/Server/Apache2.pm
in lib/JSON/RPC/Legacy/Server.pm
in lib/JSON/RPC/Legacy/Client.pm