MooseX::DOM - Simplistic Object XML Mapper


 package MyObject;
 use Moose;
 use MooseX::DOM;

 has_dom_child 'title';

 no Moose;
 no MoooseX::DOM;

 my $obj = MyObject->new(node => <<EOXML);

 print $obj->title(), "\n"; # Foo
 print $obj->title(), "\n"; # Bar


This module is intended to be used in conjunction with other modules that encapsulate XML data (for example, XML feeds).


has_dom_root $name[, %opts]

Specifies that the given XML have the specified tag. This specification is also used when creating new root node for creating the underlying XML

has_dom_root $name => (
  # attributes => { ... }

has_dom_attr $name[, %opts]

Specifies that the object should contain an attribute by the given name

has_dom_child $name[, %opts]

Specifies that the object should contain a single child by the given name. Will generate accessor that can handle set/get

has_dom_child 'foo';

$obj->foo(); # get the value of child element foo
$obj->foo("bar"); # set the value of child element foo to bar

%opts may contain namespace, tag, and filter

Specifying namespace forces MooseX::DOM to look for tags in a specific namespace uri.

Specifying tag allows MooseX::DOM to look for the tag name given in tag while making the generated method name as $name

The optional filter parameter should be a subroutine that takes the object itself as the first parameter, and the DOM node(s) as the rest of the parameters. You are allowed to transform the node as you like. By default, a filter that converts the node to its text content is used.

has_dom_child 'foo' => (
  filter => sub {
    my ($self, $node) = @_;
    # return whatever you want to return, perhaps transforming $node

The optional create parameter should be a subroutine that does the does the actual insertion of the new node, given the arguments. By default it expects a list of text argument, and creates a child node with those arguments.

has_dom_child 'foo' => (
  create => sub {
    my($self, %args) = @_;
    # keys in %args:
    #   child
    #   namespace
    #   tag
    #   value


Specifies that the object should contain possibly multiple children by the given name

has_dom_children 'foo';

$obj->foo(); # Returns a list of values for each child element foo
$obj->foo(qw(1 2 3)); # Discards old values of foo, and create new nodes

%opts may contain namespace, tag, filter, and create

The optional namespace parameter forces MooseX::DOM to look for tags in a specific namespace uri.

The optional tag parameter allows MooseX::DOM to look for the tag name given in tag while making the generated method name as $name

The optional filter parameter should be a subroutine that takes the object itself as the first parameter, and the DOM node(s) as the rest of the parameters. You are allowed to transform the node as you like. By default, a filter that converts the node to its text content is used.

has_dom_children 'foo' => (
  filter => sub {
    my ($self, @nodes) = @_;
    # return whatever you want to return, perhaps transforming @nodes

The optional create parameter should be a subroutine that does the does the actual insertion of the new nodes, given the arguments. By default it expects a list of text arguments, and creates child nodes with those arguments.

has_dom_children 'foo' => (
  create => sub {
    my($self, %args) = @_;
    # keys in %args:
    #   children
    #   namespace
    #   tag
    #   values

has_dom_content $name

If your node only contains text data (that is, your root node does not have any subsequent element nodes as its child), you can access the text data directly with this declaration


Daisuke Maki <>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
