Changes for version 0.3003

  • Try not to die if we encountered a Broken <image> tag in RSS 2.0
  • We won't test RSS 0.9x. This is due to the nature of libxml wanting to validate the DTD, when the namespaces have been changed (see We could use a hackish fix, but we won't, as it may change the behavior for this widely used format (which is surprisingly large number). So instead, we'll just silence the tests, to stop odd failures from occurring
  • For practical purposes, we use the old namespace unless asked otherwise via XML_RSS_LIBXML_USE_NEW_RSS09 environment variable

Changes for version 0.30_02

  • Make things more compatible with t/items-are-0.t


Implementation Base For XML::RSS::LibXML
Represent A Non-Trivial RSS Element
Utility Catalog For Known Namespacee


in lib/XML/RSS/LibXML/
in lib/XML/RSS/LibXML/
in lib/XML/RSS/LibXML/
in lib/XML/RSS/LibXML/
in lib/XML/RSS/LibXML/