Changes for version 1.00
- Xango::Job can accept simple scalars, not just URI objects (nudged by Tasuku Suenaga over some prime ribs)
- Only run POD tests when disttest is specified
- Cleanup
Changes for version 0.99_02
- Oops, Xango::Tutorial should have been Xango::Manual::Intro
- Document Xango::Broker::Base constructor arguments
- Fix initialization. First load from config file, then use arguments.
- Silence Pod::Test::Coverage (but not quite done yet)
Changes for version 0.99_01
- Backwards Incompatible Changes ***
- Change structure drastically: Xango::Broker is now separated into Xango::Broker::Pull, Xango::Broker::Push.
- States have changed -- beware!
- House Cleaning ***
- 0.99 no longer resides on the same svn repository as 0.0x.
- Handler component's alias no longer needs to be 'handler'. You may specify arbitrary names in the Xango::Broker constructor.
- Broker components' alias no longer needs to be 'broker'. Same as above.
- Add Xango::Manual::Intro
- apply_policy is now called synchronously, not thought POE's FIFO
- Allow toggling DEBUG switch from $ENV via $ENV{XANGO_DEBUG}
- Add tests for push and pull crawlers
Learn How To Write Crawlers With Xango
Event Based High Performance Web Crawler Framework
Broker HTTP Requests (Deprecated)
Base Class for Xango Broker
Xango's Pull-Crawler
Xango's Push-Crawler
Global Xango Config
Xango Job