ZMQ::Serializer - Enable Serializers


use ZMQ qw(:all);
use ZMQ::Serializer;

my $ctxt = ZMQ::Context->new;
my $socket = $ctxt->socket( ZMQ_REQ );

$socket->send_as( json => { foo => 1 } );
my $hash = $socket->recv_as( 'json' );


You can add a simple serialization/deserialization mechanism to ZMQ by enabling this module.

To enable serialization, you must load ZMQ::Serializer:

use ZMQ;
use ZMQ::Serializer;

This will add ZMQ::Socket::sendmsg_as() and ZMQ::Socket::recvmsg_as methods.

You also need to tell it how/what to serialize/deserialize. To do this, use register_write_type() to register a name and an associated callback to serialize the data. For example, for JSON we do the following (this is already done for you in if you have installed):

use JSON ();
ZMQ::Serializer::register_write_type('json' => \&JSON::encode_json);
ZMQ::Serializer::register_read_type('json' => \&JSON::decode_json);

Then you can use sendmsg_as() and recvmsg_as() to specify the serialization type as the first argument:

my $ctxt = ZMQ::Context->new();
my $sock = $ctxt->socket( ZMQ_REQ );

$sock->sendmsg_as( json => $complex_perl_data_structure );

The otherside will receive a JSON encoded data. The receivind side can be written as:

my $ctxt = ZMQ::Context->new();
my $sock = $ctxt->socket( ZMQ_REP );

my $complex_perl_data_structure = $sock->recvmsg_as( 'json' );

No serializers are loaded by default. Look for ZMQ::Serializer::* namespace in CPAN.


register_read_type($name, \&callback)

Register a read callback for a given $name. This is used in recvmsg_as(). The callback receives the data received from the socket.

register_write_type($name, \&callback)

Register a write callback for a given $name. This is used in sendmsg_as() The callback receives the Perl structure given to sendmsg_as()

