Changes for version 0.30 - 2005-01-10
- General
- Refactored SQL::Interpolate module into multiple modules. Everything except sql_interp-related functionality moved out of SQL::Interpolate and into DBIx::Interpolate, SQL::Interpolate::Filter, and SQL::Interpolate::Macro (new module). (recommended by mark s)
- Reorganized macro processing. SQL::Interpolate contains only hooks for macro processing, and SQL::Interpolate::Macro implements various macros.
- SQL::Interpolate
- added sql_var type
- added sql_literal type (thanks mark s)
- ("WHERE x in", []) now generates "WHERE 1" not "WHERE NULL"
- croak not die
- macros, sql_var, and sql_literal can now exist in elements of aggregates (hashref and arrayref)
- DBIx::Interpolate
- DBIx::Interpolate is now derived from SQL::Interpolate.
- Support for statement handle sets (stx/prepare).
- Renamed select_key() to key_field().
- SQL::Interpolate::Macro
- SQL::Interpolate::SQL is now a macro for uniformity.
- new macros: relations, sql_and, sql_fragment, sql_if, sql_link, sql_or, sql_paren, sql_rel
- removed limit() macro since MySQL supports Postgres syntax. (thanks mark s)
- Other
- reorganized POD (thanks mark s)
- reorganized test cases
Integrate SQL::Interpolate into DBI
Simplified interpolation of Perl variables into SQL statements
Source filtering for SQL::Interpolate
Macros and SQL filters for SQL::Interpolate
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/