Changes for version 0.32 - 2005-11-05
- SQL::Interpolate
- This module has simplified, and it incorporates defect corrections and style improvements.
- Fixed ("x IN", []) to return "1=0" not "1=1".
- Fixed ("x in", \@v) to not fail when "in" lowercase.
- Fixed sql_interp.t on some platforms (perl.cpan.testers, 254029)
- Fixed sub-module version numbers for CPAN.
- New sql() function (based on SQL::Interpolate::SQL from sql_literal() is now depreciated in favor of sql().
- sql_interp() now handles recursion correctly.
- sql_flatten() moved into SQL::Interpolate::Macro.
- Added pod.t - Test::Pod checks
- Added pod-coverage.t - Test::Pod::Coverage checks
- Added dist.t - distribution checks
- POD and code style improvements.
- DBIx::Interpolate
- Removed AUTOLOAD usage.
- SQL::Macro
- The macro framework has been refined.
- Fixed sql_and(sql()) and sql_or(sql()) to now return '1=1' and '1=0' respectively (rather than "()").
- sql_flatten() now expands depth-first rather than breadth-first.
- sql_fragment() is now depreciated. Use sql() instead.
- relations() is now depreciated. Use sql_rel_filter() instead.
- expand() no longer has $filter param. Macros now query the $interp object for state.
- SQLFilter::macro_names() no longer used. The $interp object no longer knows which macro object use which filters.
- SQLFilter::filter_text_fragment() no longer has $changing_ref in parameter list.
- SQL::Interpolate::Filter
- sql// objects now transform into calls to make_sql().
Integrates SQL::Interpolate into DBI
Simplified interpolation of Perl variables into SQL statements
Source filtering for SQL::Interpolate
Macros and SQL filters for SQL::Interpolate
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/