Changes for version 0.24
- ! lib/RT/Client/
- Added 'timeout' attribute to the object. If specified, overrides the default used by LWP::UserAgent.
- ! lib/RT/Client/REST/
- Added RT::Client::REST::RequestTimedOutException.
- ! 91-pod-coverage.t
- RT::Client::REST now has improved POD.
- Added new files.
- ! TODO
- Added 'write user manual' item.
- t/80-timeout.t
- Test timeout exceptions.
- Added README file.
talk to RT installation using REST protocol.
this object represents an attachment.
exceptions thrown by RT::Client::REST methods.
base class for RT objects.
queue object representation.
Search results representation.
this object represents a ticket.
this object represents a transaction.
user object representation.
in lib/RT/Client/REST/
in lib/RT/Client/REST/Object/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/