netsync - network/database synchronization utility


This tool can discover a network and synchronize it with a database.


-h --help   Help. Print usage and options.
-V          Version. Print build information.
-v          Verbose. Print everything.
-q          Quiet. Print nothing.
-c .ini     Config. Specify a configuration file.
-p #        Probe. There are 2 Probe levels:
              1: Probe the network for active nodes.
              2: Probe the database for those nodes.
-D          DNS. Use your the Domain Name System to retrieve relevant nodes.
-m pattern  Match. Only process nodes with hostnames matching the pattern.
-d .csv     Database. Specify an RFC4180-compliant database file.
-a          Automatch. Enable interface auto-matching.
-u          Update. Send interface-specific information to network nodes.
nodes       Nodes. Nodes. Specify an RFC1035-compliant list of relevant nodes.


$ netsync -Dm "host[0-9]+" -au

$ netsync -Dm "host[0-9]+" -p1
> configuring (using /etc/netsync/netsync.ini)... done
> discovering (using DNS)...  778 nodes (47 skipped), 796 devices (12 stacks)

$ netsync -ap2 /var/cache/netsync/active.txt
> configuring (using /etc/netsync/netsync.ini)... done
> discovering (using /var/cache/netsync/active.txt)...  778 nodes, 796 devices (12 stacks)
> identifying (using DBMS)...  664 synchronized (2389 conflicts)

$ netsync -d /var/cache/netsync/synced.csv -a /var/cache/netsync/active.txt
configuring (using /etc/netsync/netsync.ini)... done
discovering (using /var/cache/netsync/active.txt)...  778 nodes, 796 devices (12 stacks)
identifying (using /var/cache/netsync/synced.csv)...  796 synchronized


David Tucker, <dmtucker at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-netsync at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc App::Netsync

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2013 David Tucker.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.