Locale::Maketext::Utils - Adds some utility functionality and failure handling to Local::Maketext handles


In MyApp/

  package MyApp::Localize;
  use Locale::Maketext::Utils; 
  use base 'Locale::Maketext::Utils'; 

  our $Encoding = 'utf-8'; # see below
  # no _AUTO
  our %Lexicon = (...

Make all the language Lexicons you want. (no _AUTO)

Then in your script:

my $lang = MyApp::Localize->get_handle('fr');

Now $lang behaves like a normal Locale::Maketext handle object but there are some new features, methods, and failure handling which are described below.

our $Encoding

If you set your class's $Encoding variable the object's encoding will be set to that.

my $enc = $lh->encoding(); 

$enc is $MyApp::Localize::fr::Encoding || $MyApp::Localize::Encoding || encoding()'s default

Argument based singleton

The get_handle() method returns an argument based singleton. That means the overhead of initializing an object and compiling parts of the lexicon being used only happen once even if get_handle() is called several times with the same arguments.

our $Onesided

Setting this to a true value treats the class's %Lexicon as one sided. What that means is if the hash's keys and values will be the same (IE your main Lexicon) you can specify it in the key only and leave the value blank.

So instead of a Lexicon entry like this:

q{Hello I love you won't you tell me your name} => q{Hello I love you won't you tell me your name},

You just do:

q{Hello I love you won't you tell me your name} => '',

The advantages are a smaller file, less prone to mistyping or mispasting, and most important of all someone translating it can simply copy it into their module and enter their translation instead of having to remove the value first.

Lexicon hashes that are "read only"

Sometimes you want your lexicon to be a tied hash that is read only which would be fatal when storing a compiled key's value (e.g. GDBM_File).

To faciltate that (without needing other special tie()s as per "Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack compat Lexicon") you can simply init() your handle with:

$lh->{'use_external_lex_cache'} = 1;

That will cause all compiled strings to be stored in the object instead of back in the lexicon.


In your package you can create an alias with this:

__PACKAGE__->make_alias($langs, 1);
MyApp::Localize->make_alias([qw(en en_us i_default)], 1);


Where $langs is a string or a reference to an array of strings that are the aliased language tags.

You must set the second argument to true if __PACKAGE__ is the base class.

The reason is there is no way to tell if the pakage name is the base class or not.

This needs done before you call get_handle() or it will have no effect on your object really.

Ideally you'd put all calls to this in the main lexicon to ensure it will apply to any get_handle() calls.

Alternatively, and at times more ideally, you can keep each module's aliases in them and then when setting your obj require the module first.


$lh->print($key, @args);

Shortcut for

print $lh->maketext($key, @args);

$lh->fetch($key, @args);

Alias for

$lh->maketext($key, @args);

$lh->say($key, @args);

Like $lh->print($key, @args); except appends $/ || \n

$lh->get($key, @args);

Like $lh->fetch($key, @args); except appends $/ || \n


Returns the base class of the object. So if $lh is a MyApp::Localize::fr object then it returns MyApp::Localize


Returns the language class of the object. So if $lh is a MyApp::Localize::fr object then it returns MyApp::Localize::fr


Returns the real language name space being used, not language_tag()'s "cleaned up" one


Returns 0 if the argument is not a language that can be used to get a handle.

Returns the language handle if it is a language that can be used to get a handle.


This returns a hashref whose keys are the language tags and the values are the name of language tag in $lh's native langauge.

It can be called several ways:

  • Give it a list of tags to lookup

  • Have it search @INC for Base/Class/*.pm's

    $lh->lang_names_hashref() # IE no args
  • Have it search specific places for Base/Class/*.pm's

    local $lh->{'_lang_pm_search_paths'} = \@lang_paths; # array ref of directories
    $lh->lang_names_hashref() # IE no args

The module it uses for lookup (Locales::Language) is only required when this method is called. Make sure you have the latest verison of Locales as 0.04 (i.e. Locales::Base 0.03) is buggy!

The module it uses for lookup (Locales::Language) is currently limited to two character codes but we try to handle it gracefully here.

In array context it will build and return an additional hashref with the same keys whose values are the language name in the langueage itself.

Does not ensure that the tags are loadable, to do that see below.


Exactly the same as $lh->lang_names_hashref() (because it calls that method...) except it only contains tags that are loadable.

Has additional overhead of calling $lh->langtag_is_loadable() on each key. So most likely you'd use this on a single specific place (a page to choose their language setting for instance) instead of calling it on every instance your script is run.

$lh->append_to_lexicons( $lexicons_hashref );

This method allows modules or script to append to the object's Lexicons. Consider using "Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack compat Lexicon" instead.

Each key is the language tag whose Lexicon you will prepend its value, a hashref, to.

So assuming the key is 'fr', then this is the lexicon that gets appended to:


The only exception is if the key is '_'. In that case the main package's Lexicon is appended to:


    '_' => {
        'Hello World' => 'Hello World',
    'fr' => {
        'Hello World' => 'Bonjour Monde',


Removes $key from every lexicon. Consider using "Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack compat Lexicon" instead.

What is removed is stored in $lh->{'_removed_from_lexicons'}

If defined, $lh->{'_removed_from_lexicons'} is a hashref whose keys are the index number of the $lh->_lex_refs() arrayref.

The value is the key and the value that that lexicon had.

This is used internally to remove _AUTO keys so that the failure handler below will get used

Automatically _AUTO'd Failure Handling with hooks

This module sets fail_with() so that failure is handled for every Lexicon you define as if _AUTO was set and in addition you can use the hooks below.

This functionality is turned off if:

  • _AUTO is set on the Lexicon (and it was not removed internally for some strange reason)

  • you've changed the failure function with $lh->fail_with() (If you do change it be sure to restore your _AUTO's inside $lh->{'_removed_from_lexicons'})

The result is that a key is looked for in the handle's Lexicon, then the default Lexicon, then the handlers below, and finally the key itself (Again, as if _AUTO had been set on the Lexicon). I find this extremely useful and hope you do as well :)


If lookup fails this code reference will be called with the arguments ($lh, $key, @args)

It can do whatever you want to try and find the $key and return the desired string.

return $string_from_db;

If it fails it should simply:


That way it will continue on to the part below:


If $lh->{'_get_key_from_lookup'} is not a code ref, or $lh->{'_get_key_from_lookup'} returned undef then this method is called with the arguments ($lh, $key, @args) right before the failure handler does its _AUTO wonderfulness.

numf() decimal length support/sprintf format

numf() will behave exactly the same as it always has except now it take an additional argument.

This additional argument will describe how to handle any decimal or format via sprintf

Normally this is what happens:

$lh->maketext("pi is [numf,_1]",355/113); #  3.14159

An empty string value will leave the decimals as they are:

$lh->maketext("pi is [numf,_1,_2]",355/113,''); #  3.14159292035398

A zero will remove the decimal character and decimal numbers completely.

Any other number will truncate it (without rounding) to the length given

$lh->maketext("pi is [numf,_1,_2]",355/113,6); # 3.141592

A non-numeric value is used as a sprintf format (which does some rounding)

$lh->maketext("pi is just under [numf,_1,%.3f]",355/113) # 3.142

It'd be great if this were the default and I've proposed it at

Argument range in bracket notation

Note: this behavior is experimental and should not be used in production yet. Keep reading if you want to find out why.

If you want to operate on several arguments there are currently only 2 options:

know the amount of arguments ahead of time
use all the arguments

What if you won't know the length of arguments ahead of time or only want to operate on some, for example with "list"() or "join"()?

You'd use this range notation:

[_1] [method,_2.._4] 

[_1] [method,_2.._#]

_# is the last item in the list, outside of '..' range notation you have to use _-1 not _#

Like _* 0 is not used so:

[method,_-1.._#], qw(a b c d) becomes d,a,b,c,d not 'd,OBJ-stringified-from-zero,a,b,c

Like perl's range operator if both side are the same its a list with 1 item.

'[_1.._#]', 1,2 becomes '12'

'[_1.._#]', 1 becomes '1'

Also if they are an invalid range you get an empty list

'[_2.._1]', qw(a b) # no-op just like for(2..1)

This is for proof of concept only as the way it currently happens changes the lookup key which defeats the purpose.

For technical reasons it can not be done easily by overriding one method, it requires changes in the middle of several

It'd be great if this were the default and I've proposed it at

Additional bracket notation methods


Joins the given arguments with the first argument:

[join,-,_*], @numbers becomes 1-2-3-4-5
[join,,_*], @numbers becomes 12345
[join,~,,_*], @numbers becomes 1,2,3,4,5
[join,~, ,_*], @numbers becomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Creates a phrased list "and/or" style:

You chose [list,and,_*], @pals

You chose Rhiannon
You chose Rhiannon and Parker
You chose Rhiannon, Parker, and Char
You chose Rhiannon, Parker, Char, and Bean

The 'and' above is by default an '&':

You chose [list,,_*]

You chose Rhiannon, Parker, & Char

A locale can set that but I recommend being explicit in your lexicons so the translators will know what you're trying to say:


A locale can also control the seperator and "oxford" comma character (IE empty string for no oxford comma)

The locale can do this by setting some variables in the same manner you'd set 'numf_comma' to change how numf() behaves for a class without having to write an almost identical method.

The variables are (w/ defaults shown):

$lh->{'list_seperator'}   = ', ';
$lh->{'oxford_seperator'} = ',';
$lh->{'list_default_and'} = '&';


Allows you to get datetime output formatted for the current locale.

'Right now it is [datetime]'

It can take 2 arguments which default to DateTime->now and 'long_date_format' respectively.

The first argument tells the function what point in time you want. The values can be:

A DateTime object
A hashref of arguments suitable for DateTime->new()
An epoch suitable for DateTime->from_epoch()'s 'epoch' field.

Uses UTC as the time zone

A time zone suitable for DateTime constructors' 'time_zone' field

The current time is used.

Passing it an empty string will result in UTC being used.

An epoch and time zone as above joined together by a colon

A colon followed by nothing will result in UTC

    The second tells it what format you'd like that point in time stringified. The values can be:

    A coderef that returns a string suitable for DateTime->strftime()

    A string that is the name of a DateTime::Locale method

    A string suitable for DateTime->strftime()


Shortcut to Number::Bytes::Human format_bytes()

'You have used [format_bytes,_1] of your alloted space', $bytes


Shortcut to Math::Units convert()

'The fish was [convert,_1,_2,_3]" long', $feet,'ft','in'


This method allows you to choose a word or phrase to use based on a boolean.

The first argument is the boolean value which should true, false, or undefined. The next arguments are the string to use for a true value, the string to use for a false value and an optional value for an undefined value (if none is given undefined uses the false value).

'You [boolean,_1,have won,didn't win] a new car.'

'You [boolean,_1,have won,didn't win,have not entered our contest to win] a new car.'

 $lh->maketext(q{Congratulations! It's a [boolean,_1,girl,boy]!}, $is_a_girl);


When you output a phrase you might mark it up by wrapping the string in, say, <p> tags. You wouldn't inlcude HTML *in* the key itself for a number of obvious reasons (HTML is not human, HTML is not the only possible output you may ever want, etc):

print  $lh->maketext('<p class="ok">Good news everyone!</p>'); # WRONG DO NOT DO THIS  !!

print q{<p class="ok">} . $lh->maketext('Good news everyone!') . "</p>"; # good

What about when you want to format something inside the string? For example, you want to be sure certain words stand out. Or the argument is a URL that you want to be a link?

Again, you don't want to add formatting inside the string so what do you do? You use the output() method.

This method allows you to specify various output types. Those types allows a key to specify how a word or phrase should be output without having to understand or anticipate every possible context it might be used in.

'What ever you do, do [output,strong,not] cut the blue wire!'

'Your addon domain [output,underline,_1] has been setup.' 

Default output methods.

    These default bare bones methods provide 2 contexts: plain text and HTML. It determines which to use based on if -t STDIN. Feel free to over ride them if they do not suit your needs.

    The terminal control codes were ripped from Term::ANSIColor but the module itself is not used.

    * underline

    Underline the text:

    'You [output,underline,must] be on time from now on.'

    For HTML it uses a span tag w/ CSS, for text it uses the standard terminal control code 4.

    * strong

    Make the text strong:

     'You [output,strong,do not] want to feed the velociraptors.'

    For HTML it uses a <strong>, for text it uses the standard terminal control code 1.

    * em

    Add emphasis to the text:

    'We [output,em,want] you to succeed.'

    For HTML it uses a <em>, for text it uses the standard terminal control code 3. (This may change in the future. See the blurb about "not all displays are ISO 6429-compliant" at "NOTES" in Term::ANSIColor.)

    * url

    Handle URL's appropriately:

    'You must [output,url,_1,html,click here,plain,go to] to complete your registration.'

    The arguments after the method name ('output') and the output type ('url') are: the URL, a hash of values to use in determining the string that the URL is turned into. The main keys are 'html' and 'plain'. Their values are the string to use in conjuction with the context's rendering of the value.

    For HTML it uses a plain anchor tag. You can specify _type => 'offsite' to the arguments and it will have 'target="_blank" class="offsite"' as attributes. Again, feel free to create your own if this does not suit your needs.

    [output,url,_1,html,click here,_type,offsite,...]

    For text it is left as is. If there is an %s the the value is spritnf'd into the string. Multiple %s are allowed.

    'You should [output,url,plain:visit %s soon,...].'

    becomes 'You should visit soon.'

    If there is no %s the the value is appended to the string by a space

    'You should [output,url,plain:visit,...].'

    becomes 'You should visit'

    Both 'html' and 'plain' fallback to the URL itself if no value is given:

    My favorite site is [output,url,_1,_type,offsite].
    text: My favorite site is
    html: My favorite site is <a target="_blank" class="offsite" href=""></a>.

    This method can be used also when the context has different types of values. For example, a web based UI might have a URL but via command line there is an equivalent command to run.

    'To unlock this account [output,url,_1,plain,execute `%s` via SSH,html,click here].'

    * chr

    Output the character represented by the given number. It is a wrapper around perl's built-in chr function that also encodes the value into the handle's encoding if it's over 127, and outputs as appropriate for the UI.

    $lh->maketext('I [output,chr,60]3 ascii art!');

    For text you get 'I <3 ascii art!'

    For HTML you get 'I &lt;3 ascii art!'

    * class

    Output the given string as a certain class of text. Since terminals have no concept of a styling classes we currently just make it bold. You could create your own 'sub output_class' that has a map of your project's standard visual CSS classes to ANSIColor escape sequences to use.

    $lh->maketext('The user [output,class,_1,highlight,contrast] was updated.', $user);

    For text you get 'The user bob was updated.' with 'bob' wrapped in the standard terminal control code 1.

    For HTML you get 'The user <span class="highlight contrast">bob</span> was updated.'

Adding your own output methods

Output methods can be created (and overridden) simply by defining a method prefixed by output_ followed by the output type. For example in your lexicon class you would:

sub output_de_profanitize {
    my ($lh, $word_or_phrase, $level, $substitute) = @_;
    return get_clean_text({
       'lang' => $lh->get_language_tag(),
       'text' => $word_or_phrase,
       'level' => $level,
       'character' => $substitute,

Then you can use this in your lexicon key:

'Quote of the day "[output,de_profanitize,_1,9,*]"'

Your class can do whatever you like to determine the context and is by no means limited to 'plain' and 'html' types. Keys that are not context names (i.e. _type) should be preceded by an underscore.

Project example

Main Class:

package MyApp::Localize;
use Locale::Maketext::Utils; 
use base 'Locale::Maketext::Utils'; 

our $Onesided = 1;
our $Encoding = 'utf-8'; 

__PACKAGE__->make_alias([qw(en en_us i_default)], 1);

our %Lexicon = (
    'Hello World' => '',


French class:

package MyApp::Localize::fr;
use base 'MyApp::Localize';
our %Lexicon = (
    'Hello World' => 'Bonjour Monde',

# not only is this too late to be of any use
# but it's pointless as it already in essence happens since a failed NS 
# lookup tries the superordinate (in this case 'fr') before moving on 
# __PACKAGE__->make_alias('fr_ca');

sub init {
    my ($lh) = @_;
    $lh->{'numf_comma'} = 1; # Locale::Maketext numf()
    return $lh;


Standard" .pm layout

In the name of consistency I recommend the following "Standard" namespace/file layout.

You put all of your locales in MainNS::language_code

You put any utility functions/methods in MainNS::Utils and/or MainNS::Utils::*

So assuming a main class of MyApp::Localize the files && name spaces would be:

MyApp/                MyApp::Localize
MyApp/Localize/          MyApp::Localize::Utils
MyApp/Localize/Utils/      MyApp::Localize::Utils::Etc
MyApp/Localize/Utils/  MyApp::Localize::Utils::AndSoOn
MyApp/Localize/             MyApp::Localize::fr
MyApp/Localize/             MyApp::Localize::it
MyApp/Localize/             MyApp::Localize::es

If you choose to use this paradigm you'll have two additional methods available:


Returns the directory that correspnds to the base class's name space.

Again, assuming a main class of MyApp::Localize it'd be '/usr/lib/whatever/MyApp/Localize'


Returns a list of locales available. These are based on the .pm files in $lh->get_base_class_dir() that are not ''.

They are returned in the order glob() returns them. (i.e. no particular order)

Assuming the file layout above you'd get something like (fr, it, es, ...)

This would be useful for creating a menu of available languages to choose from:

my ($current_lookup, $native_lookup) = $lh->lang_names_hashref('en', $lh->list_available_locales());

# since our main lexicon only has aliases (i.e. no .pm file): 
#    we want the main language on top and we only want one of the aliases: the superordinate
for my $langtag ('en', sort $lh->list_available_locales()) {
    if ($current_lookup->{$langtag} eq $native_lookup->{$langtag}) {
        # do menu entry like "Current $current_lookup->{$langtag} ($langtag)" # Currently English (en)
    else {
       # do menu entry like "$current_lookup->{$langtag} :: $native_lookup->{$langtag} :: ($langtag)" # Italian :: Italiano (it)

Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack compat Lexicon

Often you'll want to add things to the lexicon. Perhaps a server's local version of a few strings or a context specific lexicon and using append_to_lexicons() and remove_key_from_lexicons() is too cumbersome.

Buy making your lexicon a Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack hash we can do just that.

First we make our main lexicon:

use Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack;

tie %MyApp::Localize::Lexicon, 'Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack', \%actual_lexicon;

'%actual_lexicon' can be a normal hash or a specially tied hash (e.g. a GDBM_READER GDBM_File hash)

Next we add the server admin's overrides:

$lh->add_lexicon_override_hash($tag, 'server', \%server);

When we init a user we add their override:

$lh->add_lexicon_override_hash($tag, 'user', \%user);

Then we start a request and add request specific keys (perhaps a small lexicon package included with the module that implements the functionality for the current request) to fallback on if they do not exist:

$lh->add_lexicon_fallback_hash($tag, 'request', \%request);

After the request we don't need that last one any more so we remove it:

$lh->del_lexicon_hash($tag, 'request');

When the user context goes out of scope out we clean up theirs as well:

$lh->del_lexicon_hash($tag, 'user');

If you choose to use this paradigm (via Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack or a class implementing the methods in use below) you'll have three additional methods availble:

These methods all returns false if the lexicon is not tied to an object that implements the method necessary to do this. Otherwise they return whatever the tied class's method returns


This adds a hash to be checked before any others currently in the stack.

Takes 2 or 3 arguments. The language tag whose lexicon we are adding to, a short identifier string, and a reference to a hash. If the language tag is not specified or not in use in the current object the main lexicon is the one it gets asssigned to.

# $lh is 'fr' and the main language is english, both are tied to Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack

$lh->add_lexicon_override_hash('fr', 'user', \%user_fr); # updated the 'fr' lexicon
$lh->add_lexicon_override_hash('user', \%user_en); # updates main lexicon since no language was specified
$lh->add_lexicon_override_hash('it', 'user', \%user_it); # updates main lexicon since 'it' is not in use in the handle 

Uses "add_lookup_override_hash()" in Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack under the hood.


Like "add_lexicon_override_hash()" except that it adds the hash after any others currently in the stack.

Uses "add_lookup_fallback_hash()" in Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack under the hood.


That attribute when true (e.g. set in init()) will cause the add_lexicon* methods to return true if the given name has been added before it tries to add them (which will return false since they exist already)

Care must be taken that you're not using the same identifier with different hashes or you some lexicons will simply not be added.

A better approach is to design your stack modifying logic so it doesn't try to add uplicate entries. This option is really only inteneded for debugging and testing.


This deletes a hash added via add_lexicon_override_hash() or add_lexicon_fallback_hash() from the stack.

It's arguments are the langtag and the short identifier string.

If langtag is not specified or is an '*' then it is removed from all lexicons in use.

If the specified langtag is not in use in the current object it gets removed from the main lexicon.

$lh->del_lexicon_hash('fr', 'user'); # remove 'user' from the 'fr' lexicon
$lh->del_lexicon_hash('*', 'user'); # remove 'user' from all the handle's lexicons
$lh->del_lexicon_hash('user'); # remove 'user' from all the handle's lexicons
$lh->del_lexicon_hash('it', 'user'); # remove 'user' from the main lexicon since 'it' is not in use

Uses "del_lookup_hash()" in Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack under the hood.


$ENV{'maketext_obj'} gets set to the language object on initialization ( for functions to use, see "FUNCTIONS" below ) unless $ENV{'maketext_obj_skip_env'} is true


Locale::Maketext::Pseudo has some exportable functions that make use of $ENV{'maketext_obj'} to do things like:

use Locale::Maketext::Pseudo qw(env_maketext);


env_maketext("Hello, my name is [_1]", $name); # use real object if we have one otherwise use pseudo object


Locale::Maketext, Locales::Language, Locale::Maketext::Pseudo

If you use "$lh-"lang_names_hashref()> or "$lh-"loadable_lang_names_hashref()> make sure you have the latest verison of Locales as 0.04 (i.e. Locales::Base 0.03) is buggy!


Add in currently beta datetime_duration() ("LOCALIZATION of DateTime::Format modules" in DateTime::Format::Span and company)

Add in currently beta currency(), currency_convert()


If you have an idea for a method that would fit into this module just let me know and we'll see what can be done


Daniel Muey,


Copyright (C) 2006 by Daniel Muey

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 385:

You can't have =items (as at line 389) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item

Around line 441:

You can't have =items (as at line 447) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item