Template::Direct - Creates a document page based on template/datasets
use Template::Direct;
my $template = Template::Direct->new( Location => $fileName/$refName );
my $result = $page->compile( Data => {DataSets}, Language => 'en' );
Creates, Saves and Manages templates, their languages, the publication of
and also does some work with the template design when saving unpublished templates
$class->new( %properties )
Create a new template, takes the arguments:
* Directory - Location of all files, base path.
* Location - Location of the template (Filename)
$template->loadPage( Language => [] )
Load a Template Page object with specific language fallbacks.
Returns Template::Direct::Page object.
$template->compile( $data, Language => [] )
Short cut for loading the page with Languages and then
Compiling that page with data. Returns final page string.
$template->load( %properties )
Load a specific version of a template file, returns
the template as a string.
$template->_suitableLanguage( Template => 'filename', Language => [] )
Returns a suitable language to use for this template, given what exists.
Copyright, Martin Owens 2008, GPLv3