Template::Direct::List - Handle a list template display
Provide support for lists and repetitive templating
$class->new( $template, $data )
Create a new instance object.
$list->tagName( )
Returns 'list'
$list->subTags( )
Returns a list of expected tags in a list construct: [sublist, entry, noentry, seperator]
$list->compile( )
Modifies a template with the data listed correctly.
$list->compileListData( $data, $name, %p )
From the scoped data object, find the data named data
field and return it as a list.
$list->compileSubList( $content, $data, $sublist )
Modifies the content with the sublist tag replaces with the correctly proccessed data
$list->getEntryContent( $content )
Gathers all the subtags and sorts them out into a content hash (returned)
This content is used for all sublists as well as the current list processing.
Martin Owens - Copyright 2007, AGPL