
Internal method, to build all the stuff that will go at the start of a feed. Generally will output namespaces, headers and so on.


Internal method, to build all the stuff (except items) to go inside the channel


Internal method, to build all the stuff that will go at the end of a feed


Generate and return an RSS feed for a list of nodes


Generate a very cut down rss feed, based just on the nodes, their locations (if given), and their distance from a reference location (if given).

Typically used on search feeds.


Generate the timestamp for the RSS, based on the newest node (if available). Will return a timestamp for now if no node dates are available


Take a feed_timestamp and return a Time::Piece object.


Wiki::Toolkit::Feed::RSS - Output RecentChanges RSS for Wiki::Toolkit.


This is an alternative access to the recent changes of a Wiki::Toolkit wiki. It outputs RSS as described by the ModWiki proposal at http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?ModWiki


use Wiki::Toolkit;
use Wiki::Toolkit::Feed::RSS;

my $wiki = CGI::Wiki->new( ... );  # See perldoc Wiki::Toolkit

# Set up the RSS feeder with the mandatory arguments - see
# C<new()> below for more, optional, arguments.
my $rss = Wiki::Toolkit::Feed::RSS->new(
  wiki                => $wiki,
  site_name           => 'My Wiki',
  site_url            => 'http://example.com/',
  make_node_url       => sub
                           my ($node_name, $version) = @_;
                           return 'http://example.com/?id=' . uri_escape($node_name) . ';version=' . uri_escape($version);
  html_equiv_link     => 'http://example.com/?RecentChanges',
  encoding            => 'UTF-8'

print "Content-type: application/xml\n\n";
print $rss->recent_changes;



my $rss = Wiki::Toolkit::Feed::RSS->new(
  # Mandatory arguments:
  wiki                 => $wiki,
  site_name            => 'My Wiki',
  site_url             => 'http://example.com/',
  make_node_url        => sub
                            my ($node_name, $version) = @_;
                            return 'http://example.com/?id=' . uri_escape($node_name) . ';version=' . uri_escape($version);
  html_equiv_link  => 'http://example.com/?RecentChanges',

  # Optional arguments:
  site_description     => 'My wiki about my stuff',
  interwiki_identifier => 'MyWiki',
  make_diff_url        => sub
                            my $node_name = shift;
                            return 'http://example.com/?diff=' . uri_escape($node_name)
  make_history_url     => sub
                            my $node_name = shift;
                            return 'http://example.com/?hist=' . uri_escape($node_name)
  software_name        => $your_software_name,     # e.g. "CGI::Wiki"
  software_version     => $your_software_version,  # e.g. "0.73"
  software_homepage    => $your_software_homepage, # e.g. "http://search.cpan.org/dist/Wiki-Toolkit/"

wiki must be a Wiki::Toolkit object. make_node_url, and make_diff_url and make_history_url, if supplied, must be coderefs.

The mandatory arguments are:

  • wiki

  • site_name

  • site_url

  • make_node_url

  • html_equiv_link or recent_changes_link

The three optional arguments

  • software_name

  • software_version

  • software_homepage

are used to generate DOAP (Description Of A Project - see http://usefulinc.com/doap) metadata for the feed to show what generated it.

The optional argument

  • encoding

will be used to specify the character encoding in the feed. If not set, will default to the wiki store's encoding.


                   'About This Wiki',
                   'blah blah blah',
                         comment  => 'Stub page, please update!',
                         username => 'Fred',

print "Content-type: application/xml\n\n";
print $rss->recent_changes;

# Or get something other than the default of the latest 15 changes.
print $rss->recent_changes( items => 50 );
print $rss->recent_changes( days => 7 );

# Or ignore minor edits.
print $rss->recent_changes( ignore_minor_edits => 1 );

# Personalise your feed further - consider only changes
# made by Fred to pages about bookshops.
print $rss->recent_changes(
           filter_on_metadata => {
                       username => 'Fred',
                       category => 'Bookshops',

If using filter_on_metadata, note that only changes satisfying all criteria will be returned.

Note: Many of the fields emitted by the RSS generator are taken from the node metadata. The form of this metadata is not mandated by Wiki::Toolkit. Your wiki application should make sure to store some or all of the following metadata when calling write_node:

comment - a brief comment summarising the edit that has just been made; will be used in the RDF description for this item. Defaults to the empty string.
username - an identifier for the person who made the edit; will be used as the Dublin Core contributor for this item, and also in the RDF description. Defaults to the empty string.
host - the hostname or IP address of the computer used to make the edit; if no username is supplied then this will be used as the Dublin Core contributor for this item. Defaults to the empty string.
major_change - true if the edit was a major edit and false if it was a minor edit; used for the importance of the item. Defaults to true (ie if major_change was not defined or was explicitly stored as undef).


print $rss->feed_timestamp();

Returns the timestamp of the feed in POSIX::strftime style ("Tue, 29 Feb 2000 12:34:56 GMT"), which is equivalent to the timestamp of the most recent item in the feed. Takes the same arguments as recent_changes(). You will most likely need this to print a Last-Modified HTTP header so user-agents can determine whether they need to reload the feed or not.



The Wiki::Toolkit project. Originally by Kake Pugh <kake@earth.li>.


Copyright 2003-4 Kake Pugh. Copyright 2005 Earle Martin. Copyright 2006-2008 the Wiki::Toolkit team

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


The members of the Semantic Web Interest Group channel on irc.freenode.net, #swig, were very useful in the development of this module.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 57:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 391:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'