Wiki::Toolkit::Search::Base - Base class for Wiki::Toolkit search plugins.
my $search = Wiki::Toolkit::Search::XXX->new( @args );
my %wombat_nodes = $search->search_nodes("wombat");
This class details the methods that need to be overriden by search plugins.
my $search = Wiki::Toolkit::Search::XXX->new( @args );
Creates a new searcher. By default the arguments are just passed to _init
, so you may wish to override that instead.
# Find all the nodes which contain the word 'expert'.
my %results = $search->search_nodes('expert');
Returns a (possibly empty) hash whose keys are the node names and whose values are the scores in some kind of relevance-scoring system I haven't entirely come up with yet. For OR searches, this could initially be the number of terms that appear in the node, perhaps.
Defaults to AND searches (if $and_or is not supplied, or is anything other than OR
or or
Searches are case-insensitive.
@terms = $self->analyze($string)
Splits a string into a set of terms for indexing and searching. Typically this is done case-insensitively, splitting at word boundaries, and extracting words that contain at least 1 word characters.
$wiki->write_node( "King's Cross St Pancras", "A station." );
my %matches = $search->fuzzy_title_match( "Kings Cross St. Pancras" );
Returns a (possibly empty) hash whose keys are the node names and whose values are the scores in some kind of relevance-scoring system I haven't entirely come up with yet.
Note that even if an exact match is found, any other similar enough matches will also be returned. However, any exact match is guaranteed to have the highest relevance score.
The matching is done against "canonicalised" forms of the search string and the node titles in the database: stripping vowels, repeated letters and non-word characters, and lowercasing.
$search->index_node($node, $content);
Indexes or reindexes the given node in the search engine indexes. You must supply both the node name and its content.
$fuzzy = $self->canonicalise_title( $ node);
Returns the node title as suitable for fuzzy searching: with punctuation and spaces removes, vowels removed, and double letters squashed.
Removes the given node from the search indexes. NOTE: It's up to you to make sure the node is removed from the backend store. Croaks on error.
if ( $search->supports_phrase_searches ) {
return $search->search_nodes( '"fox in socks"' );
Returns true if this search backend supports phrase searching, and false otherwise.
if ( $search->supports_fuzzy_searches ) {
return $search->fuzzy_title_match("Kings Cross St Pancreas");
Returns true if this search backend supports fuzzy title matching, and false otherwise.