Text::MagicTemplateX::HTML - HTML extensions for Text::MagicTemplate used in a HTML environment.
$mt = new Text::MagicTemplate { -markers => 'HTML',
-behaviours => 'HTML' };
# that explicitly means
$mt = new Text::MagicTemplate { -markers => [qw(<!--{ / }-->)],
-behaviours => [qw(SCALAR REF CODE TableTiler ARRAY HASH FillInForm)] };
# or simply
$mt = new HTML::MagicTemplate;
Text::MagicTemplateX::HTML is a collection of behaviour extensions for Text::MagicTemplate useful when used in a HTML environment. It adds a couple of magic HTML specific behaviours to Text::MagicTemplate default behaviours: just create and use the MagicTemplate object as usual, to have a trasparent interface to HTML::TableTiler and HTML::FillInForm too.
Other interesting readings about how to use this collection of extensions are in:
Text::MagicTemplateX::Core (documentation about the Core extensions)
Text::MagicTemplateX (general documentation about the Extensions system)
Text::MagicTemplate (general documentation about the MagicTemplate system)
- Prerequisites
perl >= 5.005 Text::MagicTemplate >= 2.1 HTML::TableTiler >= 1.0 HTML::FillInForm >= 1.0
If you want to install this extensions collections and prerequisites plus Text::MagicTemplate, all in one easy step:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Text::MagicTemplate'
- Standard installation
From the directory where this file is located, type:
perl Makefile.PL make make test make install
Note: this installs just Text::MagicTemplateX::HTML distribution and its prerequisitesdoes but does not install Text::MagicTemplate.
- Manual installation
If your OS does not have any 'make' support, just copy the content of the /lib dir into perl installation site dir, maintaining the same hierarchy.
This is the shortcut for the complete HTML collection of behaviour extensions that defines the following behaviours:
See Text::MagicTemplateX::Core for details about SCALAR REF CODE ARRAY and HASH behaviours.
- TableTiler
- Condition
a bidimensional array value
- Action
magic generation of HTML table. No need to create and use a HTML::TableTiler object: this behaviour will manage it magically.
- Description
The bidimensional array:
$matrix_generating_a_table = [ [1..3], [4..6], [7..9] ];
The template could be as simple as a simple label with the same identifier of the bidimensional array:
<p>paragraph text</p> <!--{matrix_generating_a_table}--> <p>other paragraph</p>
so the output will be a generic table including the array data:
<p>paragraph text</p> <table> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>2</td> <td>3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>5</td> <td>6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>8</td> <td>9</td> </tr> </table> <p>paragraph text</p>
or the template could be a complete table Tile included in a block with the same identifier of the bidimensional array, and with the optional ROW and COL TableTiler modes, passed as label attributes:
<p>paragraph text</p> <!--{matrix_generating_a_table H_TILE V_TILE}--> <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td><b><i>?</i></b></td> <td>?</td> </tr> <tr> <td>?</td> <td><b><i>?</i></b></td> </tr> </table> <!--{/matrix_generating_a_table}--> <p>other paragraph</p>
so the output will be a complete tiled table including the array data:
<p>paragraph text</p> <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td><b><i>1</i></b></td> <td>2</td> <td><b><i>3</i></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td><b><i>5</i></b></td> <td>6</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b><i>7</i></b></td> <td>8</td> <td><b><i>9</i></b></td> </tr> </table> <p>paragraph text</p>
See HTML::TableTiler for details about this module.
Note: if your template don't need this specific behaviour you can avoid its loading by explicitly omitting it:
$mt = new HTML::MagicTemplate { -behaviours => [qw(SCALAR REF CODE ARRAY HASH FillInForm)] };
Warning: since this behaviour check for a bidimensional ARRAY, it must be checked BEFORE the ARRAY behaviour extension in order to work.
- FillInForm
- Condition
a CGI query object value (or by a blessed object that has a param() method)
- Action
magic fill in of a HTML form with the parameter in the CGI object
- Description
The CGI object in your code:
$my_query = new CGI;
If you want to fill a form with the param in the $my_query, just transform the form into a block giving it the same identifier.
<!--{my_query}--> <form action="my.cgi"> ... </form> <!--{/my_query}-->
One useful application of this behaviour is when a user submits an HTML form without filling out a required field. FillInForm behaviour will magically redisplay the form with all the form elements (input, textarea and select tags) filled with the submitted info ($my_query), without any other statement in your code. (No need to create and use a HTML::FillInForm object: this behaviour will manage it magically).
You can use this behaviour to fill the form with default values too, To do this, just create a new query object and fill it with the default param that you want in the form:
$query = new CGI; $query->param( name => 'John', surname => 'Smith', ...);
See HTML::FillInForm for details about this module.
Note: if your template don't need this specific behaviour you can avoid its loading by explicitly omitting it:
$mt = new HTML::MagicTemplate { -behaviours => [qw(SCALAR REF CODE TableTiler ARRAY HASH)] };
Text::MagicTemplate, Text::MagicTemplate::Tutorial, HTML::TableTiler, HTML::FillInForm, HTML::MagicTemplate, Text::MagicTemplateX::Core, Text::MagicTemplateX.
I would like to have just a line of feedback from everybody who tries or actually uses this module. PLEASE, write me any comment, suggestion or request. ;-)
More information at
Domizio Demichelis, <>.
Copyright (c)2002 Domizio Demichelis. All Rights Reserved. This is free software; it may be used freely and redistributed for free providing this copyright header remains part of the software. You may not charge for the redistribution of this software. Selling this code without Domizio Demichelis' written permission is expressly forbidden.
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