Changes for version 2.019 - 2014-03-02

  • init: store new project in projects.json (Thomas Klausner)
  • set correct stop time when doing start (Thomas Klausner)
  • find_task_files performance optimization (Lukas Rampa)
  • in cmd_stop, generate a new dynamic class based on the stopped config, and use an instance of that class to stop (implementing github issue #8) (Thomas Klausner)
  • set tracker home via ENV (Thomas Klausner)
  • remove given() { when () } :( (Klaus Ita)
  • silence experimental warnings for perl 5.18 (Yanick Champoux)
  • Fixed spelling error (jenkings build hook test commit) (Michael Kröll)
  • Only use the first assigned tag to calculate the aggregated times and use it as tag key. (Michael Kröll)
  • Prevent creating circular parent-child project relations (Michael Kröll)
  • Documented tracker list command (Michael Kröll)
  • Do not change the configured stop status if it has been changed since starting the ticket (Michael Kröll)
  • Allow to steal tickets from Nobody (Michael Kröll)
  • Append and not replace task description with ticket subject if a description is passed to the task (useful for micro-tasks part of a ticket) (Michael Kröll)
  • Support setting of RT status on stop and reducing value of time-left ticket property (Michael Kröll)
  • RT: Only update the ticket if we made changes locally (Thomas Sibley)
  • RT: Treat "append" the same as "start" since it is logically equivalent (Thomas Sibley)
  • only report description if --detail desc is set (Thomas Klausner)
  • --detail now takes args (Thomas Klausner)
  • new option to define what RT status to set on tracker start (Thomas Klausner)
  • Small typo fix in bin/tracker (Nelo Onyiah)


run App::TimeTracker


time tracking for impatient and lazy command line lovers
App::TimeTracker Core commands
App::TimeTracker Git plugin
Tells you if you have already worked enough
App::TimeTracker plugin for posting to IRC
App::TimeTracker RT plugin
App::TimeTracker SyncViaGit plugin
App::TimeTracker post mac desktop integration plugin
App::TimeTracker Task storage
App::TimeTracker Proto Class
Utility Methods/Functions for App::TimeTracker