Changes for version 0.68 - 2006-10-28
- fixed bug in MCK::FindModules reported by JDHEDDEN in RT #22081 (the module name of modules living in the top-level namespace (eg 'threads/pm') was not guessed correctly
- use META.yml 'provides' (if it exists) instead of guessing module names in MCK::FindModules
- modifed changelog-regex in MCK::Files as suggested by CDOLAN in RT #21999
- added MCK::License
- moved license checking to MCK::License
- added checks for LICENSE file and LICENSE POD section
- moved meta_yml parsing to MCK::MetaYML
- changed has_license error text after Schwern (and Andreas Koenig) suggested that MakeMaker now suppor ts a license field
commandline frontend to Module::CPANTS::Analyse
Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
Interface to Kwalitee generators
Check for broken Module::Install
Proper Distname layout
Check for various files
Find modules provided by a dist
Checks if there is a license
Checks data availabe in META.yml
Check Pod
Checks listed prerequistes
Checks which modules are used