# Changes for Module::CPANTS::Site
0.75 Tue Apr 8 01:22:24 CEST 2008
released at the Oslo QA Hackathon 2008
added stats/by/...
show a big fat warning if a run is in progress
show error messages in kwalitee view
0.74 Mon Apr 7 07:14:34 CEST 2008
released at the Oslo QA Hackathon 2008
updated TODO & news
added info on commit list
0.73 2008-01-29
adapted to new Module::CPANTS::Schema
fixed dist-links to use overview
fixed error view
0.72 2007-10-30
split up dist/view into several smaller and much nicer pages
generally enhanced dist/view etc
0.71 2007-10-29
enhanced kwalitee/view
set WHILE_MAX to 3000 (until I find some time to redo the dist/view
page) so that 'Other dists requiring' works for Test::More and
some fixes to templates (dist name, run)
rearranged dist to work with Module::CPANTS::ProcessCPAN::MyBuild
moved config from yaml to app class, so we can use
fixed broken links (reported by hossman
0.70 2007-10-24
moved to sqlite backend instead of postgres
add kwalitee of prereqs as suggested by Ian Malpass
0.64 2007-04-23
added depencies on DBD::Pg and Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader
reported by Nicholas Clark
order distros alphabetically on author page
0.63 2006-09-29
all of this was done by Brian Cassidy (BIRCAS)
Thanks a lot!!!
added Root controller
moved some Regex actions to Path actions
added a generic method for faux .html files
replaced default() with index() and made default() return a 404
extracted config to YAML file
converted Model/Kwalitee into a proper model
converted "return $c->forward(...)" into "$c->detach(...)"
author/FOO now works the same as dist/FOO when FOO does not exist
minor code/pod/template cleanups
added tests
0.62 2006-09-13
removed various bugs
marked optional metrics (thanks to BooK for a color suggestion
(no, it was not pink!)
0.61 2005-07-20
removed pod errors
dist housekeeping
Module::Build instead of Module::Install
several minor wording changes
added News
added rel_kwalitee
0.60 2005-05-18
added distlinks to other cpan sites
added yi.org logo
ported from old version
0.01 Sat Mar 18 20:02:56 2006
initial revision, generated by Catalyst