Web::Request::Role::JSON - Make handling JSON easier in Web::Request


version 1.007


# Create a request handler
package My::App::Request;
use Moose;
extends 'Web::Request';
with 'Web::Request::Role::JSON';

# Make sure your app uses your request handler, e.g. using OX:
package My::App::OX;
sub request_class {'My::App::Request'}

# Finally, in some controller action
sub create_POST {
    my ($self, $req) = @_;

    my $data    = $req->json_payload;
    my $created = $self->model->create($data);
    return $self->json_response($created, undef, 201);


Web::Request::Role::JSON provides a few methods that make handling JSON in Web::Request a bit easier.

Please note that all methods return a Web::Response object. Depending on the framework you use (or lack thereof), you might have to call finalize on the response object to turn it into a valid PSGI response.



my $perl_hash = $req->json_payload;

Extracts and decodes a JSON payload from the request.


$req->json_response( $data );
$req->json_response( $data, $header_ref );
$req->json_response( $data, $header_ref, $http_status );

Convert your data to JSON and generate a new response with correct HTTP headers.

You can pass in more headers as the second argument (either hashref or arrayref). These headers will be passed straight on to HTTP::Headers->new().

You can also pass a HTTP status code as the third parameter. If none is provided, we default to 200.


$req->json_response( 'something is wrong' );
$req->json_response( $error_data );
$req->json_response( $error, $status );

Generate a JSON object out of your error message, if the message is a plain string. But you can also pass in a data structure that will be converted to JSON.

Per default, HTTP status is set to 400, but you can pass any other status as a second argument. (Yes, there is no checking if you pass a valid status code or not. You're old enough to not do stupid things..)


An optional content_type parameter can be added on role application to restore previous behaviour. Browsers tend to like the 'charset=utf-8' better, but you might have your reasons.

package MyRequest;
extends 'OX::Request';
with (
    'Web::Request::Role::JSON' => { content_type => 'application/json' },


Thanks to


  • Thomas Klausner <>

  • Klaus Ita <>


This software is copyright (c) 2017 - 2021 by Thomas Klausner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.