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Format production from Parse::QTEDI into more binding-make-specific look. This will both strip unrelevant entry and renew the structure of other interested entries.

NOTE: All new hash keys inserted here will be uppercase to differentiate with QTEDI output, except meta field such as 'subtype'.


Format functions.


Keep all known C++ function and QT-specific property keywords.

Function format will firstly filter out them from prototype line.

NOTE: Some properties are stored inside 'PROPERTY' field array for futher reference.

NOTE: Q_DECL_EXPORT == __attribute((visibility(default)))__ in gcc.


Keep Q_OBJECT and Q_PROPERTY for further consideration.

Each property field inside a Q_PROPERTY will be stored as a new key/value pair.

# spec of Q_PROPERTY
name : [from_QTEDI]
type : macro
NAME : [name]
TYPE : [type]
READ : [read function]
WRITE: [write function]

Extract class name string and store as new field. Recursively process class body, strip private part.

Format inheritance line if has.

# spec
type : class
- [class property1]
NAME : [name]
- NAME : [parent class name]
RELATIONSHIP : public/private/protected
- [variable1]

Similar as __format_class.

NOTE: As defined in C++, top entries not covered by any public/private/protected keyword will be treated private.

See __format_class above regarding output spec.


Similar as __format_struct.

See __format_class above regarding output spec.


Format a function entry. Extract return type, function name and all parameters from function entry from QTEDI.

# spec
type : function
subtype : 1/0 [is operator or not]
- [function property1]
NAME : [name]
RETURN : [return type]
- TYPE : [param1 type]
[NOTE: could be '...' in ansi]
NAME : [param1 name]
DEFAULT_VALUE : [param1 default value]

Format enum, normalize name, property and enum value entries.

# spec
type : enum
NAME : [name]
- [enum property1]
- [enum value1]
- [variable1]

Format accessibility, normalize value entries.

NOTE: private type should not appear here since being stripped.

# spec
type : accessibility
- [accessibility keyword1]

Format typedef, normalize value entry.

Value entry could be of type:

1. typedef simple type C<< typedef A B; >>
2. typedef (anonymous) class/struct/enum/union C<< typdef enum A { } B; >>
3. typedef function pointer C<< typedef void (*P)(int, uint); >>
4. typedef an array C<< typedef unsigned char Digest[16]; >>
# spec
type : typedef
subtype : class/struct/enum/union/fpointer/simple
FROM : [from type name for simple typedef ]
[a hashref for class/struct/enum/union]
['FUNCTION_POINTER' for fpointer ]
TO : [to type name]

Format extern type body.

# spec
type : extern
subtype : C/function/expression/class/struct/union/enum

NOTE: For subtype C, there will be more than one entry in BODY field array. For others, just one.


Format namespace code block. Normalize name and recursively format body entries.

# spec
type : namespace
NAME : [namespace name]
- [property1]

Format expression.

# spec
type : expression
value : [expression line]


Copyright (C) 2007 by Dongxu Ma <dongxu@cpan.org>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/artistic.html